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Overriding script & recompiling in geck.


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I know how to override a record in geck and save it.


How do I override a script in geck and save it to a patch plugin?


Goal: override default flame-crit script to use EVE flamer crit script, so every weapon in game uses the EVE script (on setups with EVE loaded).


Rather override the script than override each weapon individually.


Also want to test a possible fix for a script in project reality.

Edited by BenWah
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How do I override a script in geck and save it to a patch plugin?


Tick EVE . esm and it's esp OR the PI version of your choice, in this case, you want the entire coverage of all the weapons as stated so it would be better to chose 097 + it's update file. DO NOT activate them, just lod only those, the DLC's that are applicable and load it, create or change the script in question Directly from EVE's script you want to use as an over ride, save, it will ask you for a file name, this now becomes that override. close geck, reopen and only tick that new esp override data and set it active. It will now load all dependent mods. do as you will with that, combine or add weapons to it. you can make a container some where and place all weapons into that container to test things out. drag into it from only the object manager the weapons you want .ammo too. in game, there is a testing weapon room built into fallout3, coc the command to that room. in there all weapons should be available to you. it's not part of any quest or scripts.


you get the idea fast too.


post the script here in a document.


Edited by Purr4me
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My problem was not having multiple esms enabled in the custom geck ini.


I did manage to get it into a patch plugin,

I stupidly recompiled every script in the game into the patch plugin though.

I deleted the extra scripts.


Geck produced a scary number of warnings when starting/saving, and copied a bunch of extra master duplicates I don't think I need that I deleted.




ScriptName WJSFlamerDeathChoiceScript
; WeiJieSen's Crazy Flamer Death Effects Script!
; selects random Flamer Critical Effect on death

short rnd
short NumberOfOptions
short isHumanoid
short notDismembered
short headShot

Begin ScriptEffectStart

if GetItemCount WJSDeathTokenList ; If a death sequence is already playing

set NumberOfOptions to 4 ; number of death options

if GetIsCreature == 0 || GetIsCreatureType 5 ; if is not a Creature or is a Feral Ghoul, isHumanoid = 1
set isHumanoid to 1
if IsLimbGone 1 ; Head
elseif IsLimbGone 3 ; Left arm
elseif IsLimbGone 5 ; Right arm
elseif IsLimbGone 7 ; Left leg
elseif IsLimbGone 10 ; Right leg
else ; If all the limbs listed above are not dismembered
set notDismembered to 1 ; Target is a whole humanoid
if GetHitLocation == 1 ; Head
set headShot to 1 ; Target shot in the head

if GetDead ; Death Criticals

set rnd to 1 + NumberOfOptions * 0.01 * GetRandompercent

if rnd == 1 ; Burning Explosion
AddItem WJSFlamerburningExplosionToken 1 1
elseif rnd == 2 ; flamewave
if isHumanoid
Additem WJSFlamerSkeletonToken 1 1
AddItem WJSFlameWaveToken 1 1
elseif rnd == 3 ; skeleton SM
if GetIsCreatureType 4
Additem WJSFlamerSkeletonSMToken 1 1
Additem WJSFlamerburningExplosionToken 1 1
elseif rnd == 4 ; ashes
Additem WJSFlamerAshes2AshesToken 1 1

else ; Non-death Criticals

CastImmediateOnSelf WJSflamercripple



Edited by BenWah
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My problem was not having multiple esms enabled in the custom geck ini.


I did manage to get it into a patch plugin,

I stupidly recompiled every script in the game into the patch plugin though.

I deleted the extra scripts.


Geck produced a scary number of warnings when starting/saving, and copied a bunch of extra master duplicates I don't think I need that I deleted.




ScriptName WJSFlamerDeathChoiceScript

; WeiJieSen's Crazy Flamer Death Effects Script!

; selects random Flamer Critical Effect on death


short rnd

short NumberOfOptions

short isHumanoid

short notDismembered

short headShot


Begin ScriptEffectStart


if GetItemCount WJSDeathTokenList ; If a death sequence is already playing




set NumberOfOptions to 4 ; number of death options


if GetIsCreature == 0 || GetIsCreatureType 5 ; if is not a Creature or is a Feral Ghoul, isHumanoid = 1

set isHumanoid to 1

if IsLimbGone 1 ; Head

elseif IsLimbGone 3 ; Left arm

elseif IsLimbGone 5 ; Right arm

elseif IsLimbGone 7 ; Left leg

elseif IsLimbGone 10 ; Right leg

else ; If all the limbs listed above are not dismembered

set notDismembered to 1 ; Target is a whole humanoid

if GetHitLocation == 1 ; Head

set headShot to 1 ; Target shot in the head





if GetDead ; Death Criticals


set rnd to 1 + NumberOfOptions * 0.01 * GetRandompercent


if rnd == 1 ; Burning Explosion

AddItem WJSFlamerburningExplosionToken 1 1

elseif rnd == 2 ; flamewave

if isHumanoid

Additem WJSFlamerSkeletonToken 1 1


AddItem WJSFlameWaveToken 1 1


elseif rnd == 3 ; skeleton SM

if GetIsCreatureType 4

Additem WJSFlamerSkeletonSMToken 1 1


Additem WJSFlamerburningExplosionToken 1 1


elseif rnd == 4 ; ashes

Additem WJSFlamerAshes2AshesToken 1 1


else ; Non-death Criticals


CastImmediateOnSelf WJSflamercripple








Whoops, start over, delete it all, can't have mistakes as they are hidden from you, if you make a mistake, the corresponding hidden mistaken data is also in it. just delete and redue.

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let me give you an idea, noscope wobble is only 1k in size, there is nothing in it you CAN see. just one gmst command. but, if you were to force that / merge it into the main file fallout3.esm, you will now see over 53megabyts of data introduced that was not there before. why is simple. the compression technology is not thought of and an esm deals with it as well as the geck when making only the esp, the data you are not supposed to see is hidden from you that well.


back up, and try it ,you'll see.


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