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One glowing eye


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Hello Modders,


I've tryed every eye mod that I found but not one let me make what I want ^^

So this is what I looking for : one glowing eye and a normal eye, simple (I think)


For more compexe stuff, if someone can make the glowing eye change color acording to the spells, exemple : fire spell in hand = red eye, ice spell = blue ice eye, thunder spell = deep blue, healing spell = golden eye. (not sure if this is possible, bur it would be sooooo cool)

But of course the simple one eye and one glowing eye is enought ^^


Here is a quick photoshoped picture of what I search. (sorry for the format)


Feel free to contact me ;)


And sorry for my bad English I'm french.



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Should be possible, but would require a bit work.


eye mesh would need to be "divided", so that it'd be possible to assign glowmap to just one eye, and then simply do the CK work to make it work/ have the correct color.

By default the eye meshes are assigned to same mesh/ninode/whateva it's called.


However, I suck a lot with mesh- editing tools, so I can't do that.


I too, would like one glowing eye :biggrin:


As for the changing color.. Don't know about that. Probably possible with scripts.

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  • 1 year later...

I too would like to see this mod, im currently playing a character i based off of Jericho Cross from the game Darkwatch, who only has one "vampire eye" his right eye remains normal after he is bitten, i had heard that making one of your eyes white. or "blind" then becoming a vampire would cause your blind eye to remain white, but when i tried this it worked until i went through a loading screen then my eyes both turned vampiric

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