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need of help with footsteps


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right not sure if this is the right spot. first topic i ever made in the nexus so here goes.


ever since i messed about with FORES Fnis something strange has happened. after ive finished the big ol glacier for the quest of Auriel's bow i suddenlycant hear my foot steps when in third person. no matter what ive done i cant hear them ive checked the settings theyre at maximum. although i can hear my footsteps in first person view clearly, also while im sprinting and when i draw my weapon i can barely hear them a little bit.


im not sure if its FORES new idles but it is the most recent thing ive installed that does major things in skyrim. also not sure if its my sneaking skill but it was the most recent skill tree i updated but im pretty sure your supposed to hear your own footsteps while walking or running. im also not wearing any muffled gear on me.


please if anyone knows ive searched on the interwebs and cant find anything.

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Honestly I thought about this and have some ideas, but those are just guesswork... Pretty sure its not FNIS tho :)


If I would be behind my computer (not behind it at work :P) I would test if the distance between player and camera has anything to do with the sound volume.... I dont play 3rd person, so not very familiar with it.


Also not sure if muffled or muffled movement perk have anything to do with the actual sound volume.... could be, not I dont know.


Easy way to find out seems to start a new game, and instead of messing about in helgen wait till after you have been unbound and use the command coc whiterunstables ( or really, any other location ) .. perhaps it's sneak skill related, who knows.

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do you have the sneak perk muffled movement?

I was just reading an article that it reduces the sound as well. And I would not be surprised it reduces the sound of NPC footsteps as well in the process.


If you have that perk, perhaps you can test by manually removing that perk from yourself using the console ( player.removeperk 00058213 ). Not sure if you have to create a test save / load save before it's deactivated

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