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Skyrealism Glass Bottle Effect


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I decided to give Skyrealism a try. And its great! All except for when I go into a building. It looks like I am looking through the bottom of a glass bottle. I went ahead and attached a Screenshot of it. It happens in every interior area of the game. And when I look at lights it just gets far to bright. Anyone know a fix?



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which preset is that?

looks weird... do you have the same with other ENBs and have you set all the correct changes in your skyrim ini files as per the enbdev website? More specifically this setting in SkyrimPrefs.ini




After which you start SkyrimLauncher.exe and redetect video settings?

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I suspect DoF... hit shift+enter in game and see if disabling DoF resolves the issue. Can also be the compatibility with that ENB binary (0.139) and your system. You can check just by disabling effects which is the guilty one or by replacing the related .fx file with a vanilla ENB .fx file until you can pinpoint which effect is causing this...


Another way is just to download another ENB which doesnt throw stuff off :P

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Are you sure you have the correct ENB binary for that mod... either way I'm pretty sure (lets say 100% sure) that either version of SkyRrealism's requires ENB binaries 0.139 or 0.153 have the GUI. The only SkyRealism version that does not have this is the old version which runs on ENB Binary 0.119.


When you open up Skyrim it should pop up in the upper left corner which Binary is currently running.



Edit: Ah I see, old ENB files laying about.. alright , good :)

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