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Modded Skyrim LE has trouble with bridges/doors that have to be Actioned open/down


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Hi, Skyrim folk! I am a grateful user of more than 100 mods that generally work well together. I previously used NMM and Loot, and am now using Vortex. I have noticed a few issues after moving from NMM to Vortex: during most of gameplay, there is a glitchy sound of water that only sounds when I am moving (stops when I stop moving), and in occasionally my character will actually look like she's swimming even though she's running; additionally, in places where you have to open, say, a doorway that leads through a sarcophagus, or drop a wooden bridge (i.e. Geirmund's Hall), the game is glitching/not recognizing that there is a bridge, and getting through the sarcophagus doorway takes some odd maneuvering.

Now, I am not a mod creator and am not terribly tech-savvy. I'm just looking to see if anyone else has come across this, knows what's causing it, has ideas to correct it, etc. At this point, I cannot complete the Geirmund's Hall dungeon because I cannot get across the entrance area where you drop the two bridges on the tall column near the ceiling, and using Whirlwind Sprint (which has worked for a few other glitchy bridges) is not working here.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!

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Playing above 60 fps can cause that water splashing sound giltch in game and other sort of bugs as well. Many experienced users suggest to cap fps to 60 other than that i have no clue what might cause it. Your other problem may be a mod conflict issue and according to uesp.net that dungeon is glitchy.


P.s do check that you haven't toggled off the collision in console. Open console in game with tilde key ~ then type tcl and press enter key. If it returns with "collision off" then repeat the step again which will turn the collision on again

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