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Basics of creating landscape statics


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I'm looking to create some sheer cliff faces using Blender, but desire a good starting point. Are there any good tutorials on creating landscape statics from scratch? The closest I've found are some vague ones about architecture.
I think my main concern is getting the propper scaling. I know about Units in the CK, but have no idea if these same rules should be used in Blender. I've got some experience with Blender, so learning the basics of that isn't much of a concern to me, and I'm sure that the Blender->Nifskope->CK process is the same as with architecture.

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Scaling shouldn't really be an issue, as you can scale statics in the CK. You'll just want to make sure to set the object in the CK to a useful/typical scale when you set it up so that a user needn't be adjusting the scale every time it's used simply to get it to a cliff face size instead of chicken size :)


You'll also need to be certain that your textures look good when the cliff model is viewed from the perspective and distance a player will be seeing it. You can toss a box primitive in Blender and let it stand in for a player model, and park a camera near it to give your model the eyeball to make certain you're in the ballpark.


Caveat: I haven't actually yet made a model for Skyrim but I've made hundreds for other 3d game spaces!

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