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(SkyUI - SKSE) Need some help!


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Hi im kinda new to mods for skyrim, Um. i just installed the SkyUI and then it asked me to install the SKSE so i did, i followed the video and everything but i keep getting. a message saying:

SKYUI Error Code 1, The skyrim script extender (SKSE) is not running. SkyUI will not work correctly! This message may also appear if a new skyrim patch has been released. in this case, wait until SKSE has been updated, Then install the new Version.

Not sure if its the patch or my doing and i was wondering if someone could help me out? and throw some recommendations my way to help improve the graphics of the game or just over all game play. Iv been using the Nexus Mod Manager, and its been very helpful If anyone can help me out by installing this stuff that would be awesome. :smile:



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Actually if you followed everything...maybe you forgot to start the game with the SKSE launcher....


If launching from nexus make sure it's set to LaunchSKSE not launch Skyrim

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