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More Beast Race Textures for Vanilla Bodies


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I adore the texture work of OBLbeginner (and KritaKitty) and Flawn, but the textures created are made with body meshes in mind, and in the case of the male textures, aren't compatible with vanilla body at all. There are lots of beautiful men/mer texture sets available, and MONSTERaider did an exceptional job with the Masc/Fem texture series, they're just not quite what I'm looking for. Stripes/Spots on every khajiit is fine, just not preferable.


Again, this is for my very specific tastes and if I had a clue how to create textures myself I'd have done it years ago haha. If there is a really good tutorial anyone knows of I might be able to make my own (not that skilled with drawing but I'd try it!)


Honestly more body/face/hair mods for beasts in general would be great, I feel like unfortunately everything for the beast races are sexualized which is great for some but not my preference :smile:

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