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Requesting Modders Resource Into Functional Ready To Use Mod.


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Assaultrons do not have factory armour at Automatron's Robot Workbench, and this has always bothered me.

A modders resource exists that would solve this if only it were playable.

I am not well enough, knowledgeable enough or in possession of the right hardware.


So I politely request your assistance in this matter and would support you anyway I can.


Here's the resource;



Thanks for reading,


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I'm sorry I was unclear but I wanted them added to the Robot Workbench, there is no factory hand armour for Assaultrons created by the workbench.


What you've done is still awesome.

But the recourse and my desire for it come from the fact that if you use Assaultron arms and weapons the hands/wrists are bare unless you put the hydraulic armour on, and then it doesn't match.

This makes me use Protectron arms and weapons because at least then the hands/wrist can match, but then you have short and think Protectron arms on the taller and slimmer Assaultron body.


Thank you for your efforts and sorry I wasn't clear enough.

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ImmortalAbsol, have you looked at the standard (non-Automatron) Assaultrons? Based on https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Assaultron_(Fallout_4) I think bare hands/wrists are normal for them, which might explain the lack of factory hand armor in the workbench.


Unfortunately, even if I figured out how to use the resource, I would probably not be allowed to upload it as a mod, because the author/uploader neglected to specify permissions for that resource.

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Comparison images: https://imgur.com/a/5DoRV9p


All have an Assaultron arm and Assaultran Claw hand.

The first picture is vanilla hand armor hydraulic on the left (right side of screen), modded right hand(not the endversion, shouldn't be there^^), no more armor.

The other have the modded hand armor and vanilla factory armor on the arm slot.

I didn't use the texture files of the resource, they have vanilla .BGSM and can be painted.


I think they only work with the claw hands (shock or not), are there other hands with wrist for this robot?


Don't know if you want them, but it's a functional version of the resource ;)

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I think you hit the nail on the head.

I would check it on the Nuka-World variants.


If it fit on more hands/weapons that would be great but I would only expect to see it on the ones designed for Assaultrons.

I would check the non-protectron version of the Protectron hands/weapons (some have Protectron in the name so you know you can use their wrist factory armour.


I imagine it doesn't bother you but the but the hydraulic arm armour mesh is twisted, can actually be seen in your screenshot.

If it does bother you let me know and I'll grab you the link to the fix mod I use.

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