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Limb Damage - Condition Function in Creation Kit - Where?

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I've been experimenting in the Creation Kit to detect when the player is injured. There's two types of injury: When the player's health points are lowered (either through radiation or physical injury) and when the limbs themselves are damaged.


The Creation Kit (not Papyrus scripting but the CK itself) has a Condition Function called "GetHealthPercentage" which can detect whether the player's hit points are lowered, either through traditional injury or radiation. This function does not detect limb damage, though. Although I have looked through a lot of the possible choices in the condition functions, I can not find such a function to detect when a player suffers limb damage.


There is one possible CF called "IsLimbGone" but it looks as though it is obsolete (and not well-documented in the Creation Kit wiki).


Would anyone if there is a condition function that does detect limb damage? Thank you.

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