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The Ascention


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I have a dream, yet no skills on CK. I am an artist, and musician, with an eye for subtlety.


Here is what I see wrong with Skyrim's progression. (only looking at progression here, not to say the game does not have other problems)


1) Terribly boring random loot system.


2) Resistances/Perks that you really want at first, are hard to get, but then when you do find them, they are so good, it's game breaking. Same with potions.


3) Purely level based encounters. I understand the purpose. You can do the game in ANY order you want. You can kill Alduin at lvl 15 I'm sure if you really wanted to. But I disagree. I would like... well, I will explain below what I would like to see.



Here is a general, very rough blueprint of a Complete Overhaul I Imagine. Since the chances of me doing it myself, are little to none, I will share my thoughts. I imagine it along side other mods, but for a moment, imagine with me vanilla Skyrim.


1) HP Overhaul.


Auto gain a very small amount of HP with each level, and choose MP or Stamina. All level 20, or level 50 mages, would have roughly the same HP as a warrior of the same level. (racial also could apply) I think this makes sense, as well as leads to smoother progress.


2) Enemy Encounters.


I think the leveled encounters are great, BUT, here are some thoughts. I would like to see indicators on each quest, or each area, perhaps color coordinated, with 4 or 5 tiers. Tier 1, would encompass the majority of side quests, and beginnings to quest chains, and contain only easy leveled mobs. Tier 2, would be similar, but also have some "bandit leader types". Tiers 3 and 4, add more and more difficult encounters, And finally Tier 5 would be silly hard, and require that you have progressed before you jump in. I imagine the main quest chain would be Tier 5.


Not to say you are not aloud to do these quests at level 5, or 15, just that you will seriously get your ass kicked, without hax. When you get each quest, it would have a color indicator, and perhaps map markers could indicate the difficulty of a random cave you come across, and you would decide weather to enter or not.


3) Weapons.


First of all, lower the base damage of all weapons, and projectiles. So at level 1, combat takes more time. (No, I am not after realism. I'm after fun!) At level 1, you pick up that Iron axe (with like 5 damage), and equip it. Then you need to whack the enemy 15 times to kill him. Why? Cuz you r lvl one MAN! Time to start growing your powers! Since the enemies weapons are also got the nerfbat, you will be able to take more hits yourself.


Also add base properties to weapon types. Swords = Chance to Crit / Axes = Extra Bleed Damage / Maces = Ignore % Armor + Chance to Stagger. Remove the chance to crit from axes and maces for balance, and flavor.


4) Armor.


I believe cloth needs love. Make cloth have a small amount of armor. Reduce the amount of armor on both medium, and heavy, I think quite a drastic amount. Even with no perks, a full heavy set feels OP early game, light feels like heavy should, and cloth you basically get one shot by anything melee. I feel perks should be necessary alongside your armor, to truly make it powerful. (remember weapon damage is also nerfed, so that comes into play here for reducing armor)


Also the choice of mage gear is sad. We need 4 or 5 tiers, and much like the rest of my ideas, gradual progression. Reduce or remove the tree specific robes, ( Magic Trees may be merged somewhat anyways, I will explain in #5.) and make them more about progressing in MP regen, Armor (what little it has) and Max MP.


5) Magic.


The power of spells in Skyrim seems legit. Tier 1 spells hurt, Tier 2 to the face will kill if you have zero resistance. My problems with magic, are more to do with the perk system, as well as the random, and easy way you acquire high tier spells. This will be addressed in idea #6 below, as well as in my talent overhaul, when I get to that. one change I imagine, is merging some of the magic trees, down to perhaps two, or three. (Dark Magic / Light Magic / Balance) or something like this.


I do think some of the vanilla spells could use reworking "T3ndo's SkyRe Overhaul" is an example of WAY cooler spells, in place of some of the lame vanilla ones. Also I have always felt like CC spells need to effect higher level NPCs. A T1 fear spell, should work until level 35 or so, especially if T2+ spells are rare, and only acquired in T3-4 content.


6) Loot System.


Ok, lets clear EVERY Weapon, Armor, and Spell from Skyrim, and start over plz. Every ring, and necklace, every nook, every vendor, ALL GONE. Now, clear weapons/armor from every loot table from NPCs. Ok, are you with me? I feel good right now, because the loot in Skyrim makes me nauseous.


Now before we put anything back, lets talk about the gear. For the most part, I think enchanted gear should be RARE, but enchanted rings, and necks of lower tiers should be quite common. However, the enchantments, should be MUCH weaker. My plans for "Talent Trees" is similar. (All the jewelry would be blocked from disenchanting, for "enchanter" progression purposes)


A common enchanted jewelry from a bandit, should read "Increases resistance to X by 5%" or "Increase melee damage by 5%" Perhaps in the tier 3 and 4 quests, place a few 10% types, and anything like 20% should be super rare, and placed in the world in chosen places, according to the nature of the quest chain.


All enchanted Gear/Weapons, would be hand placed in the world the same way. If you are an enchanter, finding a "dagger or fire" or "Hide Bracers of Frost Resistance" should be exciting! Because these Items are NOT blocked from disenchanting, now you can either wear it, or learn the new enchantment! Lucky you!


Ok, now, lets put some gear back in Skyrim, shall we?



Wildlife drops Normal Stuff! Fur, Horns, Eyes.... NO JEWELRY, NO GOLD, NO CABBAGE UP THEIR ASS PLZ and TY.


Tier 1 Encounters: drop (non-ench) Iron Weapons, and Iron/Fur/T1 Cloth Armor. No enchanted jewelry, just some gold/misc. Tier 1 Quests will lead to finding T1 spell books for mages, but they will not drop from NPCs.


Tier 2 Encounters: drop more (non-ench) Iron, and Junk, but now also some T1 enchanted jewelry. Also more T1 spells.


Tier 3 and 4: drop (non-ench) Iron, and Steel gear, some T2 enchanted jewelry, and upon completing quests, or in a secret room, you would perhaps find something RARE!

In a world of T1/T2 mediocrity, you will take great joy in finding a T2 spell, or an Elven Sword! Perhaps you found an iron axe of shocks, and you are an enchanter! Perhaps hand placed, or somewhat randomized, but RARE! I can't say that enough... Also I imagine these are the areas you may begin to find magic scrolls, and perhaps T1 spell sticks.


Tier 5: Essentially the same non-enchanted T1/2 Gear, moving into T2/3 enchanted jewelry, but now the quest rewards, or hand placed gimmes, are the real good stuff. T4 and T5 jewelry, armor, weapons, spells, ALL of which, would be unique, or maybe a handful in the world. (T3 and T4 weapons maybe have 3 or 5 scattered around Skyrim)


Only by completing multiple T5 type quests, or areas, would you ever acquire godlike gear, and getting the godlike gear for a specific play style, may depend on what main quests you complete. (Completing the mage guild quest chain for example, would end in HARD content, for which most likely you are level 30 or 40, and you get one godlike mage item.)



Now, before you ask any questions, a few more thoughts.


Lore Weapons or "Rough" Versions!


I'm thinking we don't want every Orc, and Thalmore, walking around in the same T1 bandit gear with an iron dagger, but by giving them lore friendly gear, it essentially adds all that gear to your inventory. So my solution is to copy all of these weapon types, and create a "roughly made" version. (the wording I'm not a fan of, but for now)


So all the Orcs in Skyrim, would have a "rough" Orcish sword, or dagger. The stats would be that of other T1 common iron. The Thalmore would carry similar Elven gear. A set of "rough" Elven armor would be no better than hide. This way we get the look, and feel of lore, without crashing in on RPG progression.


Drauger, and Falmer, and anything like that, also should resemble iron, and perhaps be heavy. Same as vanilla, junk you leave on the ground.


As far as In game quest items, that are enchanted, or would be overpowered in this environment, I have simple ideas. Either remove any enchants, or if the enchant seems appropriate, make the items so you cannot disenchant. Any armor or weapon damage, would simply be nerfed in accord with where the item is acquired, either to match the lower tiers, or if it's in T5 content, make it epic.


Magic staffs from quests, could be given new spells, like magelight, or waterbreathing.... So they would not crash your progression. Unless of course it was a quest that was deemed worthy of a powerful reward. Then a T1, or more type spell stick would seem appropriate.


NPCs from DLC must be accounted for. I don't mind the random attacks, and encounters, but ALL the NPCs who spawn, would need "Lore Weapons" Otherwise you will have a Deadric sword at lvl 12... /sigh ... anyways.


I think the lore versions of weapons and armor, would be easy to add, and would cover just about every encounter. Then the REAL Weapons, would be special, yet the world would have its flavor.


7) Alchemy.


Vanilla is so bad. I mean.... so.... bad. Anyways, once again I refer to old mr T3ndo's Overhaul. He did a pretty fine job of making alchemy cool in many ways, but MOST importantly, he turned healing potions into a HoT, making it useless to pop more than one at a time.


I think making healing potions into HoTs, and tweaking the power of some potions is needed. Just like a fear spell, I believe a fear potion should work on more than a lvl 5. ALL Resist, and +Skill Type Potions should last 5 Minutes or MORE! Micro managing sucks. Lets pop a potion, and play for a while huh? Also 5% resist type potions against magic, or poison, ect. should be common. Possibly some 10% resist types. Something like a 50% fire resist potion, should be VERY RARE, but still last 5 minutes.


I DO feel that potions should be a bit more rare in general. Not on every bookshelf, and bedside table., and I do see this being a problem with alchemy in my conceptual overhaul here, and this is one place in particular I would like feedback. If potions are so powerful, and rare like the rest of the mod, alchemy would be the god class, So.. some way of changing the recipes, so that they require more than 2 herbs each.... Also much like the gear, 90% of the reagents should make simple T1 or T2 potions, and any truly powerful potion types, should require the most rare ingredients, Once again, to prevent alchemy from being a god class, unless fully talented, with a bunch of rare materials. Then you have earned it, and it would seem appropriate to mash around Skyrim, feeling no pain!


Lastly before I move on (although I'm dipping backwards a lot here lol) Potion weights should be near nothing. My RP fan side, enjoys realistic weight restrictions. Now for perhaps a little Bosner lady, who wants to roll alchemy, they are just too heavy. I imagine a tiny little vile, not a 8oz. bottle. Weather you like realism or not, I think we can all agree on super light potions being ok.



So, now lets talk TALENTS WEWT!


I don't like vanilla talent trees, and I think most people agree they could be better.


T3ndo's SkyRe (He IMO is a modding rockstar) has a complete reroll of talents, that is WAY cooler than vanilla, but after playing with it, I still had some of my own ideas.


Below I am going to list out these ideas in a rough form, but first, I will talk a bit about my feelings on the subject.


I think the talent trees I envision are debatable, but they have a general theme that I want to stick to. Slower Progression, and Less "when wearing 5 set" or "when wielding an axe" type talents. More general talents, with less artificial requirements.


I don't like talents that increase X damage by 20% per point.


I don't like talents that require "Full" heavy, or light armor. (I do think three pieces or more would seem cool for a talent)


I don't like talents that are for a specific type of weapon like axe, or sword. (I said above weapon types will have unique properties without any talents)


I don't like faceroll talents. Either too powerful, or so baseline to the tree, you choose it 100% of the time, and never consider not choosing it.


So basically I think each talent point should do less essentially.


I have roughly doodled some talent trees, that I think would be worth considering. I also came up with an animal for each tree, although if you don't like the animal theme, just ignore it lol, it is not my real concern, just a little fun I had.


As I write these talents, I will give numbers like 5% per point, sometimes even less. You begin a squishy fool at level one, and only through long hard leveling should this change, no matter your class.


Visually for each tree I have a diamond shape, leading bottom up, like you would expect, but since I cannot draw anything on the forum, I will simply list the talents as best I can from bottom to top. After all, this is just brainstorming, so the exact linkage, is not important.


Best of all, although I have no clue how to mod talents myself, all of the ideas I have use simple game mechanics, and should not require too much CK wizardry.




NOTE: All characters will begin, able only to use Dagger/Sword. A mage for example who never chooses a single combat point, will never be able to equip other Weapons. Armor however would not have such restrictions, since any idiot can put on a helmet. Also I would like to see more mixing of armor, as stated above, rather than feeling married to one of the three types, and even worse, having this marriage generally decided as soon as you decide your class.

ALSO, ALL crit has been removed from weapons (except swords) and although I did not mention it, "sneak attack" crits and damage, will all be removed, and only introduced again through talents. So now lets get to it. :smile:


Combat - Way of the Wolf :


(Duelist 0/3 - 1/3 Able to wield Axes, Maces, Shields and Bows. 2/3 Able to dual wield, and able to wield 2H and Crossbows. 3/3 Able to wield exotic weapons, like Elven or better.) next to the left (Sparring 0/4 - 1/4 +5%1H. 2/4 +10% 1H up till 4/4 being 20% total.) across from that on the right (Berserker similar 4/4 for a total of +20% 2H Damage) in the middle, ( Even Swings 0/3 or 4, decreasing stamina cost of attacks with ALL weapon types, maybe 10% per point, or even 15% per point.) Then I imagine two basic choices in the middle of the tree, one increasing damage with all melee weapon types by a further 5% per point, with a 5 point max, or alternatively, 5 points for 5% faster attacks on the left, with max of 25% on either side, or the pure warrior class having it all maxed out would be obviously the way to go.) Lastly on the top of the tree! Well, I don't know... It is an open spot in my plan so far. Feel free to pitch ideas! Moving on then.


Heavy Armor - Way of the Bear : rawr


(Low Stance 0/5 - increase heavy armor by 10% per point for total of 50%) then on the left (Warden 0/5 - 1/5 reduce spell damage by 5% "when wearing THREE or more heavy armor" up until 5/5 being 25% magic resistance, as long as three or more heavy armor is worn.) on the right, (Tower 0/5 same 5% resistance per point, but against arrows, or bolts, for a total of 25% resistance) I'm not sure about this next talent, but I envision perhaps, in the middle, you can choose, 20% chance to ignore stagger per point, like a "surefoot" talent, but its not settled in my mind. So moving on, In the middle of the tree, I once again imagine two major talents to choose from. on the left, (Perfect Fit- Reduces the weight of equipped armor by 25% per point, possibly 3/3, for a max of 75% lighter heavy armor when equipped.) optionally on the right, I'm not sure but I think "when wearing 3 or more heavy" getting a bonus to HP regen, perhaps 10% per point, for a total of 50%. That sounds legit. Finally, on the top of the heavy armor tree!, (Barricade! 0/3- 20% chance per point to ignore stagger, and stagger enemies that block your attacks. RAWR)


Light Armor - Way of the Cat: meow


(Reflex- 0/5 increase all light and cloth armor ratings when worn by 10% per point, for a total of 50%) next on the left (Immunization 0/5, 5% resistance to poison per, for a max of 25% poison resistance.) on the right (Epic Limbo! nah, jk, but a talent that reduces the damage taken by maces, and all 2H weapons, because of your kitty quickness! 10% per point, maybe 3/3 max) in the middle, I have the same idea for this as the heavy armor tree, on one side (Second Skin 0/3 25% lighter light/cloth armor when equipped, for a total of 75% weight reduction.) or alternatively getting +stamina regen, "when wearing THREE or more light armor" (similar to HP regen for heavy armor.) As for the top tier for the light armor tree, I do have an Idea. No name in mind, but the concept would be reduced bleed damage. With ALL axes in the game causing a bleed, this would be very welcome, and seems appropriate to the talent tree. Perhaps, 10% per point, for a max of 50% bleed reduction "when wearing three or more light armor"


Stealth - Way of the Fox


(Lightfoot- 10% increased stealth per point, perhaps a 30% or 40% max.) to the left, we have (Poise- Gives 3% chance to crit with any sharp weapon or projectile, 0/5 for a total of 15%) on the right, I would like to have a one point option, for a "stealth roll" as in SkyRe, but that's perhaps another issue. In the middle, I have an idea for "increased damage for X number of seconds after you leave stealth" But once again, this is asking for more than tweaking the base files, and I assume would require more skill in CK, any input on this particular request would be interesting. Now, moving to the middle of the tree, on the left, we could have (Hunger- increase speed while in stealth by 25% per point, for a max of 100%) opposing on the right side, the choice would be (Shadowfoot- 0/3 1/3 reduce sound made by cloth by 100% and light armor by 50%, 2/3 reduce sound made by light armor by 100% heavy armor by 50%, 3/3 reduce all sound made by armor) On the top of the tier, I have a few ideas, first, a "increase stam regen for X number of seconds, after leaving stealth. Rogues in WoW had a talent like this I think, and it seems like a cool, fair, and legit talent. I don't know however how easily it can be done in Skyrim. Then branching off the top, for the dedicated assassin, I have some really cool Ideas. (Blind- "requires salt pile" One point talent, allowing you to throw salt at an enemy, causing either a Blind, or Frenzy type spell for a few seconds.) (Shadowmaster- "costs 1?" Allows you to become fully invisible for X number of seconds.) (Nighteye- "costs one Sabre Cat Eye" Aloows you to see in the dark for 5 minutes.) I think that is what I have for now, moving on.


looking back here, I realize I did not mention "sneak attack" bonuses. In general, I think its an overpowered mechanic, and should be disabled and incorporated back in, somewhere in the Stealth tree. Like most of the offensive type skills though, I would see it toned WAY down. Because 16x damage from a sneak attack is just dumb.


Block - Way of the Crab i pinch


(Entrench- 0/5, 1/5 able to wield shields, and shields block 10% more. Up until 5/5, blocking 50% more damage.) then on the left, we would have (Impenetrable- 0/5 giving 10% resistance to arrows and bolts while shied is equipped, with 5/5 giving a total of 50% resistance to arrows.) In the middle, a one point option giving you "Shield Bash" on the right, I would like to see a two, or three point option, that causes enemies to bleed upon bash. Sounds lovely, but possible really hard to program in. Then in the middle of the talent tree, we could have 2 options, like all the trees here. on the left, an option to reduce the weight of heavy shields, 40% per point, for a total of 80% lighter heavy shield. Alternatively on the right, a few points would "increase armor of light shields by 25%" per point, with maybe a 3 point max. On top, there would be (Shield Warden- 0/2 each point adding 10% spell reduction, while shield is equipped, for a total of 20% spell resistance.)


Magic - Way of the Owl


NOTE: Please keep an open mind here! This is one of the more radical aspects of this proposed Mod, and I'm not 100% sure how it would work, but my concept would involve ALL the types of magic, being encompassed into one tree, yet divided into three subtypes, Dark Magic / Light Magic / and Balance Magic. Perhaps by grouping the current magic trees down to these three subtypes, or if possible, have each spell be given a subtype appropriate to the spell, ignoring the original spell tree. So that being said, here we go! (I love magic!)


(Chant of Akatosh- 0/5 Increases mana regen by 10% per point, for a max of 50%) On the left, an option for more powerful dark magic. On the right, increased power of light magic, and of course a "balance" talent option in between the two. I know this all is starting to sound quite loose. Anyways. In the middle of the tree, again we would have two ways to lean. On one side, talent points would increase the duration of all types of spells. Alternatively you could spend points on the other side, increasing the power of all spell types. Then at the top of the talent tree, something like (Chant of Juianos- decrease the cost of all spells by 10% per point, maybe with a max of 50%) Once again, I have some neat ideas for the top of this tree, inspiring the avid mage. (Spellskin- either increase armor, or a flat melee damage reduction type talent, offering 10% reduction per point, maxing out around 50%) Also at the top of mage tree, we could have "summon 2 minions at once" I also imagine a 5 point option at the top of tree for increased crit, but probably only 2 or 3% per point, because once again, slow progression is more fun IMO. The whole Magic concept I'm proposing here, does have some holes, and questionable areas, but I think it sounds great so far, and falls right inline with the speed and tone I'm trying to set.


Lock Picking - The Way of the Rat


On this one, I don't imagine much changes needed, for two reasons. One, because the vanilla system is simple, looks good, and it works. Secondly, because I understand that tampering with / removing / all of the above, with this talent tree, can be buggy.


Perhaps later I'll think of some clever perks associated with the tree, but for now I imagine a simple non-tree where you spend a few points to make picking locks easier, wham, bam, nothing to see here..


Pickpocketing - Way of the .....Other Rat? need ideas here lol


Once again, same as with lock picking, I think it's a pretty straight forward talent, that should not require a ton of points. Maybe three points max, each point reducing chance to be detected by 25% Unless someone has some creative fun ideas, I think it could be left as simple as three points. After all, thieves have plenty of funner ways to spend points.


Archery - Way of the Hawk


I LOVE archery in RPGs, but Ironically this is a talent tree I have put little thought into so far. But off the top of my head, here is the basics, that would be in tune with this Mod.


The tree begins with the ability to use a bow, and +7% bow damage for one point. Use of crossbows, and another 7% damage for a second point. maybe after that three more points for a max of 45% at 5/5 including use of exotic bow types ect.... other talent choices would be (Fastdraw- the ability to draw your bow faster.) (Hawkeye- 3% chance to crit with projectiles per point, for the dedicated archer type only) Another idea would be a bleed damage applied to all ranged attacks at the top of the tree.


I also think having the ability to craft iron, and steel arrows, should be incorporated into this talent tree.


Later I'm sure I'll have some more ideas on this talent tree, please comment any ideas you have, for some cool archer flavor. Maybe some wilderness flavored talents?


Alchemy- Way of the Fish! oop! bloop!


I LOVE Alchemy in RPGs, and in Skyrim, gathering/creating potions is fun, so I think for a great overhaul, it is important that alchemy is done just right. I intend potions to be quite powerful at first, eventually leading towards godlike with the right materials, so we need to be very careful not to make alchemy OP in the overhaul.


For talents, I firmly believe the first few points should enable you to learn all the properties of an herb by eating it, not way up the tree. Other ideas for this tree include, increased duration of potions (on top of the 5 minute durations proposed above), and of course making stronger potions. However, as stated above, I feel the materials should be the major deciding factor on the tier of the resulting potion.


I imagine a mid level alchemist, using roughly the same basic potions as anyone, just a lot more of them! Also my feelings on heavy potions could be addressed with a talent here. For one or two points, all potions in your bag would be lighter, whereas non-alchemists would have to deal with 8oz. potions.


Any ideas are welcome here.


Speechcraft- The Way of the.... Chatty Cathy!? lol, no... Duck? Songbird?


For this tree, I say cut the crap, and make it all about shouts.


Lets be honest. The quests I've seen, that involve either "persuasion" or intimidation" are shallow if not completely pointless, and would be a sad waste of tasty talent points. I have similar feelings about talents that reduce vendor cost.... if you are into modding, I assume you know the item code for gold, seriously.


So I imagine talents that augment your shouts, or reduce cooldown, being the bulk of this tree.


Perhaps Conjuring spells could be tied in with this talent tree, that's a neat idea, with a rational flavor.


Crafting- the way of the Mammoth?


OK here we go, this is a hot issue I know. I have mixed feelings about it, but I will give my quick opinion on how it could work, although it's another talent tree I have yet to think over completely.


In balance with the rest of my ideas, I would like to see blacksmithing armor and weapons be fun, and helpful, without having easy "I WIN" talents.


The problem I see here is, there is really a bottom line with blacksmithing. "Is it the best gear I have or not?" If the answer is no, then what is the point? If the answer is yes, then you equip it of course.. and only it... until you find better, thus making it useless. You can move that bottom line, by saying what you can, and cannot craft, but the bottom line is there. So I think something really creative is needed here, and I haven't thought of it yet. Some way of making blacksmithing fun, and progressive, without making such a huge impact on your gear selection, or lack of selection as the case may be.


I will have to really ponder on this. I think I may have ideas. Ideas welcome here!



I THINK.... I covered every talent tree, or at least the majority.


Admittedly, I leave many details unanswered, especially for example In the magic tree, but I think the general concept seems cool as a whole.


One of the main reasons I'm vague on magic, is because I don't know what is even possible. If I knew how, I would do this all myself, but I can do about 1% of everything I just said. Someone who actually is a skilled Modder, would need to give me an "estimate" or a "quote" so to speak, on how much of the crap I just said is easy, how much is difficult, and perhaps that some of it is plain impossible. Creating one tree, and having the three subtypes, sounds cool, but the implications could be just too difficult to Mod in.


I do however know for sure, that many of the talents I suggested are possible, and many of the simple parts, I consider the best.


Also, In my diagrams, the trees are more side to side, than a linear progression, meaning you could get to the top of a tree in only three or four points if you wanted to. I don't like being forced to use lots of talents, before you can get anything cool from a talent tree, and some of the talent trees I suggest above reflect this. Also the talents aim to reward both filling the tree, or just grabbing a few perks. The "When wearing three or more X type armor" rule, would promote gearing in 2/3 style mixes! Not the old five set heavy, or five set light, being the only optimal builds. I find five set armor requirements to be forced, and boring.



I am almost done here believe it or not! But a few more subjects if you will. (if your still reading, either your very interested, or very bored LOL, either way, I respect you my friend!)


Economy. - Ill say it again, Bottom Line.


I personally got my copy of Skyrim on release day, and played for about two solid weeks without a single code, or cheat. I remember enjoying looting a gold ring, or crown, but I also remember stripping all the bandits in light armor of their shoes and s***, simply because it was the most prophet per pound. Pretty damn silly. Almost as silly as the wildlife with a cabbage hidden... somewhere. Then I looked up how to get cheat gold, and use it... a lot. Mostly because the legit ways of getting max gold are stupid, and not fun. Stealing clothes off dead people, is not the flavor an RPG needs.


So I propose I simple fix! this overhaul obviously will change just about every item in the game, as well, as the loot vendors sell (vendors wont sell any rare stuff, if you have not guessed yet) So during the overhaul, I would drop the resale value of 99% of items, to basically nothing. Then, raise the resale value of jewelry, and other obviously valuable light weight treasures way up. This will make a clear divide, between keepers, and junk. Yes, we can stop stealing shoes!


The only exceptions off the top of my head is animal skins. Hunting should be a cool, fun way to gain gold, so make the skins quite valuable. (perhaps remove skins from clutter, or at least most of them to compensate the new given value)


I may have missed some part of this topic, but I think what I mentioned, is super easy, and would lead to immersive and rewarding feeling economy.


Quest Delay Settings.


I'm not sure how important this is to me, but Ill speak my mind.


Not only, is it dumb, that as soon as you run DLC, the new content jumps in your lap. Beginning with random vampire attacks beginning at level 10, followed 5 f***ing minutes later, by Captain Obvious, who shows up in every damn village to inform you new content exists. Because you maybe where too stoned to remember buying the DLC I suppose. I personally hate it. "I know I bought the damn content, and when I want it, I'll go find it!" But even worse, If you don't respond, the s*** just continues forever!


Either make a preference please, or simply set the default level to something like 50, before the DLC begins working on you. (Because so far I only added Dawnguard for Mods, and have not even scratched the content, yet I'm constantly assaulted by the content, including innocent village people getting killed!)


Dragon Encounters.


Leave as is. The existing mods for dragons are awesome, so just as in SkyRe, I think they should be untouched.




And...... Well........ By Gosh.... I think that might be all I have for the moment.


Thank you for reading ladies, and bros! As an artist, I imagine all of this, and I swear I would do it myself, but... I don't know how, and CK tutorials seem rare, and don't cover many subjects. I suppose I will stick to writing songs on my guitar lol.


I pray to Zenithar, that some epic Mod Master, in shining armor, rides in, reads this thread, and SHAZAM. Brings my dream Mod to LIFE!


If however you are not my Modder in shining armor, please comment any creative ideas you have yourself!


Or respond that you refuse to read this wall of text, but just want to call me a loser! You sir, are welcome to comment! What is forums for anyways?















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Looking back, I forgot to mention Enchanting.


Just like alchemy, I want it to be powerful, but still not overpowered.


I do think I would like to see an overhaul on how souls are captured. The current system, of needing first a weapon with correct enchant, then an empty soul gem, and then on top of that, you must be sure to kill the correct enemy, because any wolf or bandit will fill your gem.


I'm not saying the system is so difficult, or even immersion breaking, it's just not fun at all. I never gathered a soul in Skyrim, and said "boy that was fun"


So I'm not entirely sure what I would like to see, but If you read my entire plan, I'm sure you can guess what would fit. Something fun, not overpowered, and slowly progressive.


I did mention, that items you can disenchant, will be rare. All the enchanted jewelry will be blocked from disenchanting. So that alone will make it progressive, and rewarding.

Edited by Oracleofmoons
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Lore Weapons or "Rough" Versions!


I'm thinking we don't want every Orc, and Thalmore, walking around in the same T1 bandit gear with an iron dagger, but by giving them lore friendly gear, it essentially adds all that gear to your inventory. So my solution is to copy all of these weapon types, and create a "roughly made" version. (the wording I'm not a fan of, but for now)


So all the Orcs in Skyrim, would have a "rough" Orcish sword, or dagger. The stats would be that of other T1 common iron. The Thalmore would carry similar Elven gear. A set of "rough" Elven armor would be no better than hide. This way we get the look, and feel of lore, without crashing in on RPG progression.


About this, I was pondering this idea myself and I was thinking that instead of giving them *Rough* versions of their equipment (which is also a great idea), I was thinking to just make their armor unlootable, similar to Dremora. I mean a lot of thalmor already wear elven armor so idk why you're talking about that. But yes I do see your point with orcs and such.


And dude holy shiet, I got up to this part in the quote and I thought I was almost done with this already huge wall of text but when I scrolled down here to post I realized I was on the Great Text Wall of China.


jeez man. With all this effort you're putting into writing down these ideas, you should learn to use the CK already and just make them come true yourself lol.

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Honestly just go look at overhaul mods like ERSO (highly highly highly highly recommended, also has a SICK loot system similar to what you mentioned) or SkyRe (never used it, seemed stupid) or others. There are a lot, I'm sure.

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It has already begun my friend.


I got back in CK today, and was poking around. I realize most of what I want, I can do myself.


For example, changing potions, and the in game description. Nothing too fancy, but enough to fit my wishes.


I can easily change armor ratings, weapon damage, and such. I even think I may have found the files I need for my "all axes bleed idea."


I made dupes of all weapon types, which I will name "worn" and they will be used as loot, for the "flavored" NPCs. like a "Worn Orcish Battleaxe"


yadayada, I'm slowly pulling the whole thing together.


Well Thank you for Reading this! lol


I spent time on it obviously, and it's nice to know a few people read most of it.



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