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Update crashing


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Hi all, so I've used Skyrim for a long time, modded of course. I recently tried to apply the 1.8.151 update, but whenever I have it installed, it crashes on startup. Its not the update itself, as I removed everything from my directory and only installed Skyrim, the update, Dawnguard and Hearthfire, and an ENB mod but it works fine. And yet, I don't see how any of my mods would cause this crash. None of them affect the actual game itself in any way, its mostly just race, hair, armour, weapon mods etc. Does anyone else have this problem and/or know of a fix? If anyone needs it to help, I'll post my load order but, like I said, I don't see anything there that would affect the game massively. Thanks for any help :/

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How in the world did you get your hands on an older update? Steam only forward-updates, not backwards.


In any case, mods that need the latest updates must have the latest update active, otherwise mods do not work or game crashes, whichever comes first.

Edited by ZeroKing
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Thanks for the replies, but somehow it fixed itself. Before, when it was crashing, I reinstalled all mods at once. This time I installed them in batches, and it worked. Don't ask me why, but somehow it works now :)

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