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Cannot start some quests, buy room at inn, or give money to beggar


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I dont know what happened, but i can no longer start some quests, it seems to be any quest where an item is exchanged like a bounty note or gold and it affects buying a room at an inn or giving gold to beggars. I thought perhaps it had been glitched up by me doing a quest out of order. I went through Darkwater Pass and rescued the argonian before starting the quest. ( http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Extracting_an_Argonian ) I tried resetting the quest which lets me start it again but the argonian has the same dialog as after youve rescued him, i tried the console command recycleactor, not sure what else i could use.


What happens when i try to start a quest or buy a room is i select the dialogue option, the other person responds appropriately, and then the dialog select screen doesnt go away and nothing is exchanged, there are no messages in the top left and i cannot select another option, as it changes to just the choice you selected, i have to hit tab to exit. For the couple quests i tried to start all the dialog would happen, id hit tab to exit the conversation, and then the quest wouldnt start and the dialog options would disappear like it was successful.


Im pretty certain its not a mod issue as i tried disabling all my mods and still had the issue and i also tried loading a save file from a different character with all the mods enabled and didnt have this issue. I tested the earliest save file i have for this character and it has the bug, im not sure when it appeared but i usually talk to the beggars every time im going to sell a haul for the buff, which i think i did just prior to exploring Darkwater Pass. So the only thing i can think of to have caused this is doing that quest out of order.


Attached is a screenshot of the frozen dialog after trying to start a delivery quest, have to hit tab to exit it.

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Turns out the issue was a mod after all, i had to disable the mod, start the game, save the game, exit to desktop, relaunch skyrim, then load the recent save and i had a whole slew of messages in the top left that never got to appear before and everything is fixed. I dont know what mod it was that caused the issue, i got rid of a lot at once.


This explains why loading saves from other characters that were never played with these mods didnt cause the bug when the mod was installed, the game hadnt been saved with them enabled.

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