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Objects (Especially Roads) are unloaded just meters from the player.


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Hello, I'm CrazyKilla


Basically if you look at the road, and you look at the yellow stripes, near the player they look good, a few meters away, it is as they get completely unloaded.


Here is a screenshot of the road: http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/559849719864061330/06AFEB9F8046E596BF3C3B54FEC21AC19C978144/

As you can see, near the player the yellow line looks good, the line after that already looks terrible and the line after that is a perfectly square yellow line, as if it would be at the other side of the wasteland.

Is this normal or what?

I've tried deleting my .ini files so the game makes new ones, doesn't fix it.

all the loading distances are set to max.

Edited by crazykilla
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That has nothing to do with loading distance, that's Anisotropic Filtering, without it (or with it set to low) your game looks like that. Enable it and set it higher (or to max if you think your PC can handle it) and your problem will disappear. :thumbsup:

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