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Tales around the campfire


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This mod needs a bit of out-of-creation kit creativity, I mean thinking up about tales about places in skyrim like ghost tales and that will make our hero go and sort out if the tale is true.

some will be real, some not and some will turn out to be half true, for instance a story of a Bigfoot that
will turn out to be a man with big feet or a story about the headless horseman in skyrim.


the way to hear about these stories will be through adventurers camps across skyrim that if you will sit with them and listen to their tale it will start the quest or something through dialog

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I also love this idea.


One thing you could do, is add a bunch of caves, and cellars, to Skyrim, and use these as the instances for your quests.


There is a lot going on in the open world, so adding more content to existing areas, can be tricky, and conflict with other mods.

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ever heard the tale of the wendigo? if a person ever turns to cannibalism then they can be inflicted with a curse that turns them into a snow monster that kidnaps and eats people.


since Skyrim has cannibalism and werewolves and is a snowy place, this would be a really good story.


"one person belives that a big monster exists in Skyrim, that it dragged off his brother and he was never seen again. others dont belive his tales and say its just a big frost troll. the citizen that saw it says that it cant be a troll as it had horns and a long tail. After the citizen disapears, the Dragonborn gets suspicious.


The dragonborn tries to track the beast but all he ever finds is blood and bones, if the Wendigo does exist then it must be out there somewhere.



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Well depends on how good you are with modelling and texturing as some of these creatures may require new models.

A couple that I know of from Norse Mythology would be the Hafgufa, Garmr, Gullinbursti and the Lindworm

The Hafgufa is a serpent, Garmr is a watchdog, Gullinbursti is a boar, and the Lindworm is essentially a wingless dragon.

  • The Hafgufa would have to be a new model unless you just used a hugely oversized version of a slaughterfish, which COULD work. Or maybe an underwater version of an giant ice-wraith (???)
  • Garmr, I feel you could just use the dog model with a retextured look ( I could possibly handle the retexture) and resize him to be significantly bigger than your average dog.
  • The Gullinbursti is a boar with glowing bristles on its face, I could also do the retexture of the boar in the Dragonborn DLC, but this "myth" would only be accessible to people with Dragonborn.
  • The Lindworm would have to be a custom mesh possibly done from stripping off parts of a dragon (idk if thats possible)

Also I could be willing to do voice acting since these are stories told at a campfire. I don't have the greatest voice acting skills but I could practice lmao and my microphone is pretty decent.

Edited by Tehandyman
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So I did a couple of recordings of the tales of the Headless Horseman and the Hafgufa, simply as samples. I'll remake these when/if this mod actually gets rolling.


And for some reason, Soundcloud really weirds out my audio files, I find it better to listen on earphones than with speakers, but idk.


The Hafgufa tale is told by a female Khajiit


The Headless Horseman tale is told by a male nord.

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but i can't open the Soundcloud link :P


well by now i'll work on the Garmr and the NPCs around skyrim, setting off camps and that.

I have no experience with modeling so i'll ask one of my friends to help me out.


I owe you a lot so let's keep talking about this in messages, ok? :)

Edited by Kagenoyol
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I have to say that this should be done and u should be able to make a campfire just with 10 things of wood

hehe, I already set the camps and NPCs, all there is let is to come up with at least 8 tales (we got 4-5)


it'll be awesome if someone who's good with meshes and texturing would help because I'm not good at it at all :(

I'm just an apprentice Creation kit user

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