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Revert USKP fortify archery fix


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This is what the USKP changelog has to say about it:


Fortify archer potions were lending their effects to any type of weapon due to the AlchemySkillBoosts condition for Marksman not including a keyword check for an equipped bow.


I'm trying to make the mod myself right now but this is my first time doing any kind of modding and I have no idea where to even start. I feel like this is a 10 second job for someone who knows their way around the CK, though. Can someone help me out? Even some simple directions/advice would be super appreciated.

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Uh, the USKP made other changes to that entry. Don't use any pickpocket potions now, because USKP fixed a bug that was causing pickpocket chance to go negative when you use a potion (despite what the UI says). You probably should have just removed the keyword restriction from tbat particular perk entry.
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Ah, s***. Are you sure? That's what UESP says but the changelog specifies only enchantments.


I wanted to just remove the keyword restriction but I didn't know how to do it. Right click didn't give me any options that seemed like it'd work.


Edit: Well, I guess it was potions too, but the change wasn't made to AlchemySkillBoosts, as far as I can tell. In vanilla, the reduction in skill upon using a potion did show up in the UI. Now the UI is showing that pickpocket skill goes up.

Edited by rayzorium
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You can make a .esp patch so every time you download USKP, you don't have to go back and do it again.

First, find the AlchemySkillBoosts entry in the left window.

- Right click it and select "Copy as override to" (say yes to the warning)

- Select <new file> and give it any name, like RevertUSKPFortifyArchery. This will be the name of your patch (RevertUSKPFortifyArchery.esp for example)


Now you can edit the perk without changing the original USKP file.

- Right click the right window and check "Hide No Conflict Entries"

- Scroll to the yellow section where it says "Equal to 1 HasKeyword WeapTypeBow"

- The left side should have categories and nested branches. Click on "Perk Conditions"

- The row is now highlighted. Stay in this row, go under the column of your .esp name and right click.

- Click "Remove"


Exit out of TES5Edit and your .esp should be saved. Load this .esp after all unoffical patches.

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