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Skyrim Bug - New Game


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Hello guys.


I am having troubles with skyrim. After a while I wanted to play and Hunt those innocent humans as fearsome and terrifying Vampire Lord, but apparently I cannot. I installed the game and the first problem was that I had no saves, which I could tolerate. But then when I did not hear the typical starting sounds of Dragonborn I knew something was out of order. So I started a new game and got excited as always but I have got no sound! Only sound that was played to me was that "dum.. dum-dum" coming with Bethesda logo and than quiet. I could not hear the horse going down the path to Helgen neither the voice of Ralof speaking to me like to an old friend. He just looked at me and opened the mouth. The horse thief was quiet and calm, not praying to all the gods he could remember. Only thing that stood the same was Ulfrik Stormcloak, which was quiet as always. As we went down to Helgen there was no Tulius neither the Captain, Hadvar or the executioner. As the wagon stopped nothing happened everyone just sat in the wagon looking no where. I should mention two more important things: I reinstalled my OS recently and As I ran the launcher (Skyrim one of course) there was an install option even if I installed the game. So I clicked it and nothing happened. I clicked it another time and apparently an auto-graphical set up set my graphics to Very High Quality. Then I could hit play and you know the rest. So please, could you help me with this problem? I have got quite a craving for the citizens blood :P


Thank you in Advance.

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