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How do I track the total player bounty from all crime factions?


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I'm completely stumped. I'm attempting to create a quest that involves tracking the total lifetime bounty of the player from all factions. To do so I want to step through each element of the formlist 'crimeFactionList'.


I'd greatly appreciate anyone that is able to explain what needs to fill the '???'.


Event OnInit()

Event OnUpdate()
	int crimeGold = 0
	Int iElement = crimeFactionList.GetSize()
	Int iIndex = 0
	??? crimeFactionList = ??? ; should this be set as a script proprty? How do I declare a form list property?

	While iIndex < iElement
		??? = crimeFactionList.GetAt(iIndex) ; What type of variable can hold this value?
		crimeGold = ???.GetInfamy() + crimeGold ; This ??? should be the variable from the previous line
		iIndex += 1

	debug.MessageBox("Total Player Infamy: " + crimegold)


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You create a formlist property like any other property:


FormList property MyList auto


To get the length of your formlist, use MyList.GetSize()


GetAt will return a form, but you probably want a faction variable. So you should make a faction variable (MyFaction) and say:


MyFaction = MyList.GetAt(iIndex) as faction


However, you can get the PC's total lifetime bounty using the function:


Game.QueryStat("Total Lifetime Bounty")

Edited by lofgren
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