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Summon a Swarm of Cazadores


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Heh. I must say, it sounds like one of those genie stories, where someone gets exactly what they asked for, but not exactly what they meant. Hats off, it made me laugh :p


That said, hmm, now that gives me the idea of playing a necromancer. You know, summon some flaming skeleton warrior or such :p

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yeah i had the same thought lol
I found a perk on the nexus called Cazador Ally which makes cazadores nonhostile so thats helped somewhat but it seems like the perk also unfortunately affects all the new enemies in monster mod based off the cazador model >__< mod life lol

to be specific, the ~ideal~ version of this mod would i suppose include the ability to summon cazadores as followers in variable amounts. perhaps even different *types* of cazadores!
Not to look a gift horse in the mouth as your mod is cool and entertaining, just discussing in general lol. I found this mod call Way of the Wasteland Warrior or something like that and it adds a whole new perk-based martial arts system, really cool stuff. i'm on a path called way of the cazador all about using a knife and poisons along with speed, its pretty fun and super immersive.

i like your necromancer idea as well! you can sort of achieve the effect with some of the perks like Rise and Shine, which lets you resurrect NPCs as glowing ones, and RobCo certified which lets you do Lobotomites :) so much cool stuff but definitely could use more involving straight up magic or fantasy elements

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Bearing in mind that I never actually tried Jokerine's mod, but taking a guess based on how the game works, it shouldn't be too hard to


A) duplicate a cazador definition, give it a new ID, name it something like "summoned cazador", and

B) make it by default part of the followers faction (if you want xp) or a custom faction that's allied with the player (if you just want them to fight for you), and

C) modify the script Jokerine made to summon the new cazador you just created at point A


Now it might sound scary, using the GECK and scripting things, but Jokerine already did most of the work for you. At point A and B it's just a matter of typing new stuff in a form, and point C involves basically just replacing an ID in the script text.


No idea if Jokerine's script already does that, but I'd also give them an effect or script that makes them die after a while, like proper summoned things. Well, I'd probably use a script, but the easiest would be to just give them an effect that does like 1 hp/sec damage, so they just keel over and die after a while. (That was also one reason I wanted to summon _flaming_ skeletons. I'd literally just set them on fire, and let them die from it after a while:p)

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