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Mass Effect Asari Character Mod


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So... Any updates as to how it's going?


I found a script that allows for importing and exporting .tri files (the ones that take care of facial animation) with Blender. I'm not much of a hero in 3ds Max, and Blender is new to me as well, but I'm trying to make my own face morphs for my asari head mesh. Not sure if it will actually work, but it's worth a shot.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Someone made a mod to add biotic powers, so that eliminates one thing needed for this mod.


hello, the mod is not finished yet but there are many Biotic Powers allready, and i am constantly uploading, if any one want to take a look, the mod can be finded Here: Mass effect Biotic Spells in Skyrim by allzero

Also i want you guys opinion regarding the spells, please say what you think at the mod page.

Edited by allzero
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  • 2 weeks later...

so did anyone worked on the new race?


I think Ganonmaster is still doing it, but he's kind of new with textures/facial animations, that kind of stuff, so he's taking a while to figure out how to get everything to work, he's also had some trouble with clipping, last I knew. He also might just be really busy normally, so he might not have a lot of time to work on it, or he may have given up, not sure. Hopefully he'll post an update. But I think he is still working on it, but progress is slow.

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  • 3 months later...

i am currently working on this mod. i imported Liara and Samara's meshes (and textures) from ME3 and converted them to NIF files ( haven't converted the textures yet and not sure if i need to, they might already be in dds format though i doubt it). the problem is mainly with the skeleton and skin raping it and all that. also there is the issue of what body to use. i use CBBE but some people like UNP etc. i am also new t modding and have no idea how to create like master files and stuff i can only currently replace what is already in game. any way there is also the fact that ME3 uses a different skeleton so i have to bend and warp the meshes to fit the skeleton and that's kinda tricky. if any body knows how to do the master file things i can send them the converted meshes but in the mean time i will have to go it alone.


BTW i am also working on every other race from ME even the shitty ones like volus. its freekin hard like i said above if any one is good with master file stuff i can end the NIFs to you guy's or gal's to fiddle with.


P.S i am also trying to get all the dialog from ME so you can actual talk to the characters (all of your crew in ME £ [for now ]{i might bring the other characters from ME 1 and 2 if i can.

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