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Dualwielding bound swords


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Another build by me (maybe my name sparks some recognition by now): the Altmer Arcane Warrior, named Findecano:


This is where I am now:

- Magicka: 220

- Health 300

- Stamina 160 (but buffed with Kyne's blessing it's 185)


- One-handed 64

- Heavy Armor 51

- Conjuration 68

- Smithing 52

- Enchanting 62

- Alteration 25 (I kinda neglected that one, big time)


I'm currently wearing a full exquisite Orcish armorset with AR 241:

- Orcish Circlet (helm in circlet shape): +20 health

- Orcish Armor +20 health

- Orcish Gauntlets +15% 1h wep dmg

- Orcish Boots +15% fire restistance

- Cloak +15% fire resistance

- Necklace of Minor Wielding (+15% 1h wep dmg)

- Ring of... damn, seems I sold that one :( It had +20 stamina.


Wielding 2 bound swords which do 76 dmg combined.


I start battle with summoning a flame atronach with offhand and bound sword 1 with main hand, then switch to bound sword 2 in offhand. I take the brunt of the hits (nice for lvling heavy armor) while the atronach focusses on distant enemies or just assists me.


Thanks to the dual wield perk (Dual Flurry, 2/2) I attack 35% faster, which results in A LOT of mayhem! :thumbsup:



Where I am going:

- Atleast 400 Magicka

- Atleast 500 Health

- Atleast 250 Stamina

- Full Legendary Daedric set

- Two Legendary Daedric Swords (with a staminastealer on one and healthstealer on the other... or both stamina)

- Summoning two Dremora Lords or atronachs (I reckon it'll be Lords tho, never had them but I read they're OP as hell)

- Casting Soultrap on enemies since I won't use bound swords anymore


You likey?


Here are quite recent pics of my altmer arcane warrior:








What's with his skin!?, I can hear you ask... well, that's thanks to an improved colorslider-mod I have installed :biggrin:


Forgot one thing, the build on the skyrim calculator: http://skyrimcalculator.com/#120371

Edited by Moredhel
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Nice build. I did a character that used dual bound swords once and really enjoyed it. But I kept it to light armor and used a lot of destruction magic as well. Would shoot off a few fireballs from a distance then run in while summoning my swords and tear the place up. It was really fun, but I only took him to level 35-40 (can't remember) at which point my bound weapons weren't really cutting it anymore. So I just abandoned him like so many others, installed some new mods and started over.
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