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About Karel2015

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  1. Problem with not using Const, Is that it doesn't work on Auto.
  2. I do link it to a quest alias using the property. The problem is that it doesn't stay in the quest alias when you save and re-load
  3. Fatal Flaw in the Logic here: Keep the source sacred: By withholding the source code used to create the PEX Fragment script which this holotape will display, you eliminate the possibility of there being anyone else who could have created this file. This provides you with legal standing to prove, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that you are the party who compiled that file. Do not share this file with anyone, excepting possible members of your modding company. Keep your source code off of the internet at all times, and do not share it with anyone for any reason. I'll state it one more time, just for good measure. I'll even bold it. Don't Share The Source. Don't use anyone else's either. The point is that it's supposed to be yours. To make this work, you have to write it. I'm sorry. I want to provide you with a working module, but by its very nature, you have to write this yourself. --Flaw ? Download a program like Champolion or Caprica, Turn the Code back into Source code, and now I have the source code too.
  4. From that screenshot everything is in the merged patch. The red coloring just means there is a conflict from mod to mod. The one in the last load position of your load order will be the one it uses. So in this case since it has every entry it will have them all there. The reason they're red (in simple terms) is because you have one or more mods that makes changes that are then changed again (the removals). ^^^ That
  5. Ok, I can set an NPC to a quest Alias, It all works fine, Except when reloading the game they are no longer part of the Alias, I have to re-add them to it. How can I make them remain linked to the Alias... After setting them to the alias it all works, but then after saving and loading again they are no longer a member of the alias
  6. I'm just giving up and doing it using quest aliases :P
  7. Ok So basically, I am using a script / quest function to rename NPCs by setting them to aliases. The problem is, I can't seem to get them to be removed from the alias, and switch to a new one to change the name. As you see here is the script, It compiles fine, and looks correct to me. But using the option to remove the ref doesn't work, switching them to a diff ref doesn't work either. "Once I give them a name, I can't change it after that"
  8. I know about changing names with quest aliases, That's another Preset option. What I'm looking to do is allow the player to set their own custom name rather then using presets.
  9. Really ? I didn't figure that out already ;) lol
  10. I was looking into if there was a way to change a placed NPCs name, Basically given you an option to change the name, So I was thinking it would work something like this: ObjectReference rPlaced = None ; ---- Guard Pick ---- iButton = MessageGuard.Show() If(iButton == 0) Return ; ElseIf(iButton == 1) rPlaced = Player.PlaceAtMe(GuardM, 1) iButton = MessageNamesList.Show() If(iButton == 0) (rPlaced as Actor).SetActorFullName(Allison) ElseIf(iButton == 1) (rPlaced as Actor).SetActorFullName(Aaliyah) Using the SetActorFullName that is used in-game I would think it would work... But it won't, Says SetActorFullName isn't a function, anyone know of a different way to work around this ? The only other option I could think of was making a bunch of NPCs with different names, and doing it like this: ObjectReference rPlaced = None ; ---- Guard Pick ---- iButton = MessageGuard.Show() If(iButton == 0) Return ; ElseIf(iButton == 1) iButton = MessageNamesList.Show() If(iButton == 0) rPlaced = Player.PlaceAtMe(Allison, 1) ElseIf(iButton == 1) rPlaced = Player.PlaceAtMe(Aaliyah, 1)
  11. That's what this is for: ObjectReference rPlaced = None rPlaced.AddItem(WeaponHeavy, 1) (rPlaced as Actor).EquipItem(WeaponHeavy) \\Problem is the script is an ObjectReference Extension, So it won't let me use many of the Actor Functions\\ I actually figured out the problem, I'm a dope lmao. I was linking in the outfits / weapons as Leveled Items lists, which won't work properly with EquipItem, Converting them to individual Weapon / Armor references seems to solved the problem for now.
  12. Ok, Contrathetix :D I have figured it all out, Except I have 1 slight problem. They won't equip the outfits, and EquipItem it says is not a function. It will add the Outfit to their inventory, but they won't equip it. You now anyway around that ? Yeah I decided to use your formatting as it is a lot easier to work with :D lol
  13. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh This is just giving me a headache, Can't seem to get it to work lmao I'll keep digging at it though
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