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  1. Steam dropped the Legendary bundle and jacked the price up on Vanilla Skyrim and DLCs... have to purchase them all separately last I checked. Still the better purchase imo. I don't buy anything on steam unless it's on sale. Steam is heavily overpriced compared most other sites. G2A for example
  2. For PC buy vanilla Legendary edition. First it's cheaper. Second: modding RULES. Third: graph mods can make look better than the "special" edition.
  3. There won't be, because the "Empire" is already a puppet of the Thalmor. Otherwise the legion would protect Hamerfall from it. If the Legion wins, then the Thalmor get a second chance to regroup, and prepare to invade Hamerfall again with the Legion's help this time. If Stormcloaks wins, and Ulfric decide, then combined with Hamerfall's forces they can kick out the Thalmor back to the Summerset Isles. Valenwood WILL rebel as soon as possible against the Dominion.
  4. Don't use requiem. Use Skyre instead. Much more enjoyable (for me at least), and provides lategame support. Also unlike Requiem you can go where the f*#@ you want instead of being forced by the static leveled route.
  5. Easiest way is to write a journal. There is even a mod for it. From there build your decisions logically. Maybe even write into the journal. Try to search reasons. Also build a background. For Vanilla start i made a 2 ending story, but can't find it now so i just write again: 1. Start with main quest. Obvious reasons from many people. 2. Dragonborn questline. This Miraak called me the "false dragonborn" in his orders to his cultist. If he truly is a dragonborn, then he might become a valuable ally, or a dangerous foe. Either way he must be dealt with, or i might won't survive his next attack. (other version by reversing the order:) These cultist attacked in the name of Miraak, and called me "false dragonborn". I can't fight the dragons, Alduin, and these cultists at the same time. I must put an end to this as soon as possible! Guardian of the mortals line: 3. Kill Paarthurnax. YOU MUST kill him so no modding stuff! Many have told including the Daedric Prince of knowledge. I am the LAST dragonborn. I saw, that Alduin can bring back other dragons to life. What if other dragons can do that too? What if i'm the only one who can truly kill these beast as the blades said. I cannot take the risk to let a single one of them live. If i do, that might doom the mortal races after i'm gone. I must kill every dragon. 4. Rebuild the blades. 5. (non official quest) kill 50 dragon. *END* Eternal Emperor path (better in my eyes). 3. Dawnguard questline vampire side. "We were made to dominate." That's what Paarthurnax said, and that's what Miraak tried. They right. To save the mortal races from their own foolishness, and the dragons i must rule. I must rule. FOREVER. To do that i must live forever first! I must become... A vampire. The Dawnguard was looking for vampire hunters. I ignored them so far, because i was busy with other stuff. They might reach some vampires with considerable power. I just need the right moment to switch side, and begin my eternal life. 4. Dark Bortherhood, or Civil war questline (reasons below) I can't become Emperor until that weakling who dare to call himself Emperor after a SURRENDER dies. A true Emperor might retreat, and regroup. But he will fight until the battle is over, and dies before surrender. I must kill the Emperor without slaughtering his armies. An assassination. Aventus Arentino is looking for the Dark Brotherhood. Maybe if i steal their job, then i get their attention. Once i'm in i just need to find a way to create a false contract against the Emperor. I don't trust in this "Dark Sacrament" ritual. If i intend to rule as Emperor, then Skyrim must stand united! I must end this war one way or another! (Stormcloak version:) A man can't raise an army without a reason. Ulfric is not that rich. Beside the Imperials nearly executed me for no real reason. Once Ulfric is High King i just use the Bend Will shout to make him my puppet. He will serve me, and through him so shall Skyrim. (Imperial version:) If i become Emperor, then i want to keep the legion in shape. The Imperials nearly executed me, but i'm willing to forgive for their service. Once Elisif is High Queen i can use Bend Will shout to make her serve me. Though i think that won't be needed. Maybe i even marry her later. That would create the strongest alliance with Skyrim. Last non-official quest: Tame a dragon with Bend Will shout, and ride. The Emperor is dead, and Skyrim is united again. Now all i need is to go to the Imperial City, and "convince" the council to make me Emperor. I need some real convincing entrance though. Riding a Dragon should prove my superior power. *END*
  6. They were loosing a war against the Chinmer, but instead of accepting the defeat they used the Heart of Lokhan trying to elavate the whole race into godhood. The last living Dwenmer who survived, because he was in Oblivion at a time believed, that there are 2 possibilities. Either it went catastrophically wrong, and destroyed the whole race, or it worked, but they lost their bodies in the process. Arniel of the College of Winterhold tries to mimic the process, and he disappears as well, but the player gains a spell that can summon him in a sort of spirit form, but he can no longer talk. The only ones who where there when the Dwenmer used the heart were also disappeared so we cannot know for sure what happened. As for the original question: They used the Heart of Lokhan to gain power beyond other race's comprehension, and they were Atheists. Without the religion's holding back, and an artifact or more like a part of the first god which were part of the very creation itself they become far more powerful, than any other race. The reason they didn't conquered Tamriel is, because they didn't liked the surface, and waged war among themselves for wealth, and the Atherium. The last member of the Dwenmer race can be found in Morrowind.
  7. Lead the Stormcloak to victory, and kill the Emperor. These will most likely DESTROY the empire once and for all. The question is: how the other nations will react to the Thalmor. From what i saw from the Dominion's attitude they aren't going to go far. In a short time: EVERYONE will be against them. They can't take over Skyrim while they fight against the Khajit, wood elfs, Bretons, Argonians, and Redguards. The Redguards would ally with the new independent Skyrim. Creating a new alliance. High Rock has no real choice but to ally them, or remain independent. It's position prevent an alliance with the Thalmor. Tough i really doubt, that it would happen. Dark Elfs would probably go back to the old times. Maybe even ally with the Thalmor if they promise equality with them. Argonians would do what they do best. Defend the homeland. Since the Argonians got their freedom in the first Era. NO ONE was able to defeat them in Black Marsh. Not even Mehrunes Dagon. IF the Dunmer joins the Dominion however, then they might join the new alliance as soon as there is an opportunity to attack the Dunmer. The Khajit are treated like s*** by most folks. They probably go defensive as well, or get crushed, or both, then they would be like the Wood Elfs. The Wood Elfs are already defeated, but they hate the Thalmor. As soon the Thalmor falters their rebellion is guaranteed. The Orcs most likely goes for both sides as mercenaries. They don't give a f*** about Talos, and both sides treat them badly. High Rock and Hammerfell can force them to fight for the new alliance. The Imperials don't like the Thalmor either. It is very likely, that they would rise against them as soon as possible. Dark times coming with a war, that DESTROYS the dominion, and tear Tamriel apart. The Empire falls. What if the empire wins: Skyrim remains part of the Empire, but the Thalmor gains complete control over the Empire. In order to save the Empire most folks would stay put which allows the Thalmor to regain their strength. Hamerfell becomes independent, but it doesn't last long, because the Thalmor with the aid of the legion conquers them. After that they slowly but steadily deal with all opposition with more caution. In time the Thalmor becomes the absolute power, then the other races starts a rebellion, because the Thalmor treats them like s*** thinking, that they won. The Empire falls. As a High Elf main character it is difficult for me to join the Stomrcloaks. I usually make an excuse, that i killed the Emperor, and the whole f***ing Empire knows it. My only hope the gain amnesty is Ulfric. If i don't kill the Emperor, then i remain independent.
  8. Got similar problem. When i load my last save directly instant crash, but when i load my first minimally modded save, then load my last save it works! Also once in game i can load as many times i want with no crash.
  9. Created a mod like that for a friend. Saw your topic so just uploaded. Place it AFTER the skyre and reproccer in the load order and the effect will be pretty obvious. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64481/?
  10. I didn't found any method for this, but i hope someone can actually answer. Is there any possible way to change actor values globally? Like i wana destructionpowermod -50 for every actor in the game. Or do a similar change with spell magnitudes? Like i wana divide every spell magnitude that uses destruction school by 2. I'm trying to make a mod that fixes the basic problems of the Skyrim combat system with the least possible change on the game mechanics. My idea was making all damage much greater through difficulty settings, implement the timed block feature from Ultimate Combat Overhaul or Skyre, reduce the destruction spell costs through perks drasticly, and also divide all destruction spell damage by 2. In base game destruction spells have the greatest damage, but the mana issue is a great pain. Multiplying all damage done by 3 makes destruction spells totally OP while archery is only a little stronger than melee. So some kind of global nerf is needed without changing all the spells one by one. My best idea is simply forcing the destructionpowermod for all actor to -50 or reduce by 50. So far the only thing that seems to work is changing spells magnitude one by one, but there is a lot of them including the spells used by npcs.
  11. I know there are mods with timed block feature, but they always give something else as well. I look for a mod that gives timed block like the one in skyre, but NOTHING else no changed damage perks spells or anything similar.
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