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About ThresherMaw

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  1. Hi there. Is there any form of making specific items be more expensive/cheaper at some vendors than at others? For example, one of the things my biggest mod does is making stronghold vendors sell lots of orcish equipment.I'd like to make these vendors also buy for orcish equipment for a lot cheaper in comparision to other vendors.A common vendor would buy it because he sees the oppotunity to profit or he fancies that kind of stuff, but an orc blacksmith that has a big stock of orcish equipment doesn't really have a good reason to buy one, so she'd buy cheaper. In the other hand, the same orcs that buy orcish equipment for cheaper, will sell their own stuff for you for less gold, if you completed "Find the Formegaster's Fingers" quest.It'd look like this: Orcish Cuirass selling value: • Common vendor: 300 gold • Stronghold Blacksmith: 50 gold Hidden perks may be able to do this, I've tried adding to one of the vendors using the "Modify Buying Price" factor for the Entry Point with 1.5 multiplier, and added "Armor/WeaponMaterialOrcish" as requirement for Target, but didn't work.If you have any ideas, please comment.
  2. I use ASIS, SkyRe and Ultimate Combat on adept difficulty.Almost any enemy with an iron mace I find can kill me with just a power attack and a normal attack, and I'm lvl 17.
  3. The blue palace guards were born to use that.
  4. The College battlemage armor looks good, but I don't really think mages would be using plated armor, simply because there's no smith or forge near Winterhold, but it's your call =] For the Thieves Guild, the idea of making them look like common people is awesome.Maybe you could make a specific model for important characters that reflect their personalities, like Vex having a dagger on her foot.
  5. Not sure if it counts but I'm making the different versions of the Ancient Nord Helmet wearable.The hornless wore by weaker ones and the horned upwards wore by stronger ones. They have iron stats and can only be found on nord ruins so they're kinda like junk =]
  6. Can't see how that would be an offensive mod for a game where you can cut heads off.
  7. SkyRe makes all spells retain usefullness.For example, a firebolt and a fireball have the same damage.The difference is that firebolt hits a single target, and fireball costs more magicka to cast.Continuous spells like flames do less damage but are still very useful, and are good to not overuse magicka or if you just don't have magicka for the others.
  8. There's no ASIS X SkyRe.ASIS is recommended of use with SkyRe by t3nd0 himself.
  9. Frist you need to load the mod you want.In case you want to keep the changes in it's esp, select as Active file.If not, only click on it. You'll also need Wrye Bash if you want to create a new esp.http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/1840 Copy a chest istance such as "BanditBossTreasChest" and remove its contents.Then, add each item to the chest or to different leveled lists you'll create and put them in the chest. After that, in the Cell viewer ( small window with 2 text boxes ) select "WhiterunWorld" as world space and then "WhiterunPlainsDistrict01".Now, click and drag the entry of your new chest in the Object Window and out it where you want, and then save. For information on the camera controls, http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Creation_Kit_Interface#Controlling_the_Camera If you created a new esp for the chest with the items, you'll need Wrye Bash now.Load up it, right-click on your new esp and select "Add Master...".Just add the esps and esms that contain the items you put on the chest.
  10. Nightasy teaches 3D modeling by making an the Hide armor fit the UNP body, and later by making one from scratch. You need: 3DSMax Nifskope Creation Kit
  11. Esp file are information files.They make stuff exist and work ingame. Nif files contain the bones that affect the mesh in it.A helmet, for example, uses "Head" and "Neck" bones.The Nif with the helmet mesh also contains these 2 bones, as well as the effect of each bone on specified vertices with a specified intensity. And yes, DDS is texture file.
  12. Well it's just a mesh =] no texture at all, except from the handle wich I took from the normal steel shield.I'm in doubt if it'll be all of metal, or put a wooden frame behind it.
  13. Will it be able to merge a mod's leveled lists with another mod's, without merging their masters together? Like, we have leveled list mod A and B.A has master file Z ( not official esps ), and B has X.Wrye Bash's Bashed Patch merges A and B, but merge Z and X aswell, even if you didn't especify them patch generator.My question is, will that program merge master files of specified mods, even if the masterfiles weren't specified?
  14. Probably mods.What mods with scripts you installed since the last time you started a new game?
  15. In the first one, the 2 woman use different "Skins".One of them has a skin with CBBE body model, the other one with UNP.Skins are defined by "Race", but they can also be specified on a NPC's data."put all the different mods into one" is basicaly using the models.CBBE and UNP have a global effect because they affect directly the race's vanilla skin, making anybody of a race that use that skin be modified. No idea how to manipulate racemenu.
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