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  1. I'm sure most of you have seen npcs wearing the shirt that looks like the undershirt but for some reason it has red buttons down the front (making it look like a rosary) If you use the console to spawn in your own linen shirts, there's that one but theres another version that has a darker coloring and no bugged buttons I tried searching for myself but I got a headache staring at the files If it helps, the default texture is s1_p2_l1_v0_tx006 In game "linen shirt" item id codes 4191cf8a-14e4-2c6e-91fb-1d8f3410ef88 / 41acce88-081c-c9a2-e16a-e956bf39a2ac / 427c2cae-550e-9dc6-f050-467c3901b4aa /
  2. Use the soul.xml to edit the horse you want and have it look how you want So lets say you want to give jenda a black coat Search the soul.xml for horse_stablesmrh and find the horse with 17 courage, this is jenda. Find his body type and color Now lets take the body from kelpie, a black horse in neuhof. So we search horse_stablesneu and find the horse with 8 courage, and copy the body data back over to jenda's section in the code It can help to have a blank notepad file, copy jenda's section in, take kelpie's and replace the data in jenda, and copy just jendas information back into the soul.xml Don't replace the part of the code that has the horse_stables part http://kingdom-come-deliverance.wikia.com/wiki/Horse For a quick reference guide to horses I've given kelpie a white body and mane, just because I wanted a white horse and a girl (not that the model changes, but zola calls her a she and thats good enough for me) Also worth noting in the [language]_xml.xml in the localization folder you can rename horses with a search and replace the name
  3. I think this is it. Made it forever ago http://www.mediafire.com/download/c1qvrefgkvhpf7l/Scalp+-+Sarge.daimod
  4. There's a certain flag that the child needs to have. I've seen it in the CK. It has to do with the child registering that the guardian is dead and then moving to honorhall. I'm assuming children that aren't supposed to be orphanable wouldn't have the package applied to them, so it wouldn't work even with console commands
  5. Well, I managed to reinstall and clean everything and the bug disappeared. But for whatever reason now I have to fix all the NPCs that I did edit. *eyeroll* Thank you!
  6. It's legal. I think "Verify the game cache" implies that. Isn't that something you can only do on steam? When you mentioned I probably screwed up my core files, I looked up how you're supposed to clean the DLC with TES5Edit, because I seemed to recall special instructions but didn't quite remember what they were. I guess doing that wrong a couple times would screw it up, wouldn't it? Update: Okay, how do I uninstall and reinstall without having to completely redownload the game? I've never screwed it up this bad before. Edit: TES5Edit, not Wrye Bash
  7. I'm currently going through, and as I type this I'm simply disabling all my mods because the problem persists. And no, I don't think so. And if I did, it wasn't any of the NPCs that are experiencing the bug. I noticed the nord with the blue face paint and steel plate armor loading screen was also having the problem. Update:: After deactivating literally all .esps except Skyrim and Update, problem persists. I guess I'll verify the game cache again
  8. I hate to bump but please help, everything online about fixing the bug has to do with ctrl+f4 in the ck but none of the npcs having the problem should have been changed by anything, and I don't want to go through and make mods for literally dozens of npcs. Olfina, Jon, Lydia, all the npc children, gerdur, various guards. It's even a relatively fresh game. I started a new game after uninstalling some mod or other, and even deleted all the saves I wouldn't have been able to play. I haven't un/installed anything since starting.
  9. Self Explanatory Recognized Unrecognized Anything marked NPC is someone I've modified myself, and they don't have the bug. Dialogues, racism, and Guards Don't Recognize Me only modify dialogue. (Racism is the removal of, btw)
  10. Try this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/13652/?
  11. Self explanatory, something got screwed up, everybody is falling through the stairs in the hall of valor. Not a huge problem obviously, still bothers me, and I don't want to run into the problem elsewhere All DLCs Game, SKSE, NMM all latest versions I honestly don't know exactly what this stuff means, so I'm going to type it exactly as it appears in the System window Processor: IntelĀ® Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz Installed memory (RAM): 8.00 GB System Type: 64-bit Operating System, x64-based processor NVIDIA GeForce GT 520 Recognized Plugins BOSS (I just verified my cache on steam, I'm assuming thats why my .esms are dirty again) Unrecognized by BOSS EDIT:: My Enhanced Lighting mod is interfering with SMIM, despite the compatibility file. Uninstalled SMIM and now the servers are down so I won't know if going back a version will help.
  12. How would one go about making the drafting table, carpenter's workbench, anvil, chest, and log pile removable?
  13. The disable command doesn't work for any object related to Hearthfire. Not the build tables outside, or the stuff I place indoors, even vanilla items just laying around. The only thing that I can get to disable, for some weird reason, is the outside wall of the second floor Do they have some kind of weird flag in their code? Dawnguard and Dragonborn objects don't seem to have an issue going away. Works on npcs though, such as Gregor
  14. I think I read somewhere that to make a clean save, uninstall all the mods you want out and sleep/wait for 11 in-game days in an interior cell
  15. Alternate start does not complete the main quest line. You have to travel to Helgen to start the main quest, travel to Whiterun, and kill Mirmulnir before dragons will spawn.
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