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[LE] Object dynamic collision decelerate player


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Hi everyone,

recently I installed a mod to slow down time but there are some troubles that break a bit the immersion. For example, when I hit an object it blocks me, and when I turn off slow time, it doesn't go as fast as I expect. I'm not the coder of the century, but I suppose there is like a limit of inertia, or something. Because it's the same with mods that turn weight to 0. So there i am, my dispair is limitless..


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I need more information.

When you "hit"? Do you mean when you walk into walls or when you hit monsters?

"I don't go as fast" - What do you mean? Are you slowed down by this effect?

What mod are you using?

I explain myself: Let's take an example. Let's imagine I'm in dragonsreach. So I slow down time because why not, and then I start moving around. Then I say "why wouldn't I walk on the table?" so I start running on the table but.. I realise the things on the table doesn't move as fast as I do. They move, but they just don't move as fast, so they constrain my movements. It's not that annoying, but furthermore, when I try to walk into something in order to send it on someone, and then I turn off slow time, it doesn't go very fast. And then I cry because I'm sad ;-; (joke don't worry). The mod I'm talking about is this one.

(BTW I thank you a lot for spending your time for me)

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Yeah dont expect things to really work as expected when adjusting time. Basically everything around you gets queued up while slowed, and yeah it moves some too, but when back to normal all that queued stuff just dumps and finishes out all at once. Depending how long time was slowed it can be quite hilarious watching everything catch up and could even cause CTD if a lot of scripted stuff is happening at the time too. In short dont expect dynamic collision in the form it sounds like you are asking

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Yeah dont expect things to really work as expected when adjusting time. Basically everything around you gets queued up while slowed, and yeah it moves some too, but when back to normal all that queued stuff just dumps and finishes out all at once. Depending how long time was slowed it can be quite hilarious watching everything catch up and could even cause CTD if a lot of scripted stuff is happening at the time too. In short dont expect dynamic collision in the form it sounds like you are asking

To sum up, you're saying what I'm asking is simply impossible? That's shame..

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hm, indeed, if I ran into something while time is slowed, I would expect it to ZOOM super fast once normal time is resumed, since from its perspective it got hit by something that is moving super fast. If you are saying that that does not happen, that is quite unfortunate.




However, I do have a related question. perhaps it would be better to make a separate topic for it, though.

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