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[FO4EDIT] Deleted weapon receivers from master esp appear in game.


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I like the way the author of Combined Arms make the weapons, so when I downloaded the SIG MCX mod I wanted to change the receivers to be like those of Combined Arms.


I reused some old receivers from MCX and the ones that were left I deleted. I deleted entries from Object Modification, Misc. Item and Constructible Object, but the unused receivers still appear in game.


I made the changes in an ESP flagged ESL. How can I make those receivers disappear without touching the original file?


Thank you very much.

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The game selects receivers either randomly or from a mod collection file, depending on what is specified in the Object Template section of the weapon's file. You should be able to nullify them by copying the unused receivers over to your mod as an override and then removing the keyword from them, and copying the mod collection file as an override and removing references to them here as well. The receivers will still exist as files, but this will break the association between the gun and receiver, leaving them unused.


To do this, look for a file that says modcol_*weaponname*_recievers_any, often times this is split into two smaller collections, semi or auto. Open those and delete any references to the unwanted receivers so they aren't considered whenever the game looks for a receiver from the mod collection. This is only necessary if there is a mod collection of receivers, though, if there's not, you can disregard this and go remove the keywords.


To remove the keywords, open the receiver you want to remove and scroll to the bottom. You will find MNAM - Target OMOD Keywords, you should see something that says ma_*weaponname*, for example ma_AssaultRifle. Change this to NULL - Null Reference, and it will no longer be a valid modification. This will stop them from appearing whenever a random part is selected.

Edited by Panzerkatzen
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There is no collection in this mod I'm using, so I used the keyword method but it didn't work. I deleted the keyword then added to make it null but it still appears in game. I even deleted the keyword outright but this didn't work either.


Do you have another suggestion?


Thank you.

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There is no collection in this mod I'm using, so I used the keyword method but it didn't work. I deleted the keyword then added to make it null but it still appears in game. I even deleted the keyword outright but this didn't work either.


Do you have another suggestion?


Thank you.

Did the receivers appear on new guns or existing ones? Removing the keywords will not unmake existing receivers, so any already in the world will continue to remain in the world. You can remove them from the weapon and you will not be able to reapply them once you leave the receiver menu. You can try additem *Form ID* 50, this will create 50 valid randomized versions of the gun, and you'll be able to see how many of them have unwanted receivers. The Form ID can be found next to the weapon's main file, but the first 2 digits vary depending on where it is in the load order; if it's in the 12th slot, then it will be 12xxxxxx, with the x's being the rest of the ID

Edited by Panzerkatzen
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Sorry for the delay. The weapons are existing ones. I thought it would take a long while for someone to respond and I really wanted to use the new weapon, so the leftover receivers I deleted from the main weapon file, not the one I created with the new receivers. Through FO4Edit I deleted all references including that on the original file.


Do you think that is why the method you said didn't work?


Thank you.


Edit: When I say the receivers are appearing, I mean in the weapon workbench. I didn't even see a random spawn because it's already appearing in the workbench.

Edited by Malfatto
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