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Marker Error and Inappropriate Language in the SSE CK?


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Frankly stated, here is what happened. We imported our own follower NPC.esp mod made in CK LE into our Mod Organizer, and then opened it in the CK SE.


We used a KS Hairdo's hairstyle in our LE version, expecting to credit their mod with their authorship, if we published.


In CK SE, however, in the chargen preview window, we discovered our NPC had no hair, though her custom hair file appeared in the list.


When we checked our pathways to their correct destinations, an alternate-texture-marker error popped up added to the borrowed hairstyle, which showed decidedly bad language when expanded.


Does anyone understand what happened? Not only that, but our NPC's naked torso images in the CK show correct DDS files, but the image in the chargen preview window does not: it shows the generic SSE body. Even though we checked and double-checked all pathways.


Please note that we had done all this above with a different personal follower mod imported from LE, that also had a KS hairdo's hair, and found no errors whatsoever.


Sign us puzzled.


In the meantime, we will download and install the CK SE fixes, which we had not done yet.





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In the Creation Kit, the chargen tab shows no hair on our NPC, though we made custom hair and hairline, as we have done many times before successfully. The marker error seems to indicate something wrong.


In game, she shows up bald, and her body matches the vanilla body, but does not match the custom body nif's and textures we made and that appear accurately in the "armor" files in the CK.


By the way, we test our NPC with no mods installed.



Edited by Gorgopis
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