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Endorsement reminder bugs, site activity history deleted


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Hi, Nexus team!


The new reminder function very good but it has a few bugs left yet.


I have endorsed all downloaded files and abstained from doing so in a few cases. My download history is completely green/red (with a few exceptions where ratings are disabled).


  1. Yet the reminder (in the d/l-popup or the daily reminder pop-up) tells me to take care of 4 files. These 4 files are (coincidentally) the 4 most recent in my tracking centre list, that have an orange version number. I already endorsed them months / years ago. I can't tell if the total number of 4 files is a coincidence or not. I think when the bug occured the first time there were 5 files in the reminder list.
  2. If I endorse a file from the d/l-popup or the reminder, it is, of course, being unendorsed (already endorsed at a previous date). So I have to endorse it again.
  3. If I do this, the bug is gone until the next endorsement reminder is to come up (depending on my preferences 1d,3d/week). I have set the reminder to daily now and in the last three days it happened every day.
  4. Endorsing a file via reminder (thus effectively unendorsing it) doesn't prevent the file from showing up at the next reminder cycle again. It seems to be linked to the tracking centre somehow.
  5. Strangely, this only happens in the New Vegas section. At this time, I am active only there because I am playing FNV now and didn't download any files for other games in the last weeks.
  6. Already re-logged-in after deleting all old cookies - does nothing.


And the other matter:


My compelete site activity log (the one in the profile) before the 17.06.2014 has been deleted. Not that it is so important - but I wonder why.


Thanks & keep up the good work!

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Yes the endorsement reminder needs to be removed and properly tested before releasing again, it keeps telling me to endorse mods that i have already endorsed sometimes listing the same mod five times on the same page allowing me to endorse mods multiple times. And i have noticed that it has removed hundreds of my endorsements simply by telling me to endorse when i already had therefor removing my endorsement and i do not have time to go through pages of mods to correct the problem caused.

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I like the new endorsement reminder function but I have the same problems like Sulo and Skunky (mods listed which are already have been endorsed).

I hope you can find a solution because it's really a good and useful function.


Thankee and keep up the good work!

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Just thought I'd add, in addition to what the team is already aware of, I am being asked to endorse mods I have only browsed and haven't downloaded at all. I 've already re-endorsed those that I have used but it bugs me having a list pop up, insofar as I don't want to appear to be ignorant and unappreciative. Well, I hope the last bit makes sense. :P

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  • 1 month later...

I'm also having trouble with it. I've endorsed every download I have that I like, which is actually most of them, but when I open up the nexus page it says I haven't endorsed any. My download history is fine, it shows what I've endorsed. Very strange.

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