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Community Answers

  1. Quest mods are among the hardest and most time consuming mods to make, that's why we don't see many of them, it's nothing to do with the quality of the game. I don't like Skyrim but I'm not going to suggest that it's a bad game, bad games don't sell in the numbers that Skyrim has, it sold 13.7 million copies on the 360 alone, a platform with no mods. People have to like a game before they'll invest time and effort into modding it, no one is going to mod a game they don't like, the game will be 13 years old this year and still has a large player base, they must have done something right.
  2. According to Bethesda only 8% of players use mods and less than 1% has made one, that might have changed with mods on consoles but it does show how well liked it is without mods.
  3. A house mod is one of the easiest things to create, building an interior cell is the first thing Bethesda's GECK tutorial covers, yeah things can get complicated if the author adds a quest to get it but then it becomes a quest mod with the house as a reward. This took two of us a few weeks, if that. A lot of that time was taken up with retextures and lighting as it's an exterior so the weather had to be done along with the lights turning themselves on and off depending on time of day. If we'd have used existing assets and put it in an interior it would have taken a couple of days. There's nothing complicated here and everything other than the retexturing is covered by Bethesda's tutorials. House mods are a great way to learn modding, and the ease of creating them means people can have homes that are perfect for them if they're willing to make an effort.
  4. Look at this, the artifacts are painfully obvious, to be expected when a 1440p image is reduced from 1.6MB to 103KB, whatever setting is being used it's way too aggressive. https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/images/137127 It's so overdone that the image looks like the file was corrupt. If bandwidth savings need to be made wouldn't it be preferable to reduce the max upload size to 1MB and have people optimise their own images? The original image for comparison.
  5. The others uploaded in the end but didn't appear which is probably for the best as I'd made numerous attempts, a few days ago I upped some images to someone's mod page and the progress bar didn't move at all for them so I gave up, later I checked and the images had actually uploaded, I don't know if it's related or not.
  6. Update, the Opera upload eventually finished, it took a very long time.
  7. The progress bar never gets to the end that's if even starts at all. I've tried on Chrome, Edge and Opera on two different computers, one Windows 11 and the other Windows 10, I've disabled all extensions, I've renamed the JPG, I also opened the JPG in another app and resaved it in case there was something odd about it
  8. Photoshop or whatever image editor you're using, it can be found here in Photoshop.
  9. Shininess is controlled by the alpha layer of the normal map, white is very shiny, black is matte and then there are various shades of grey in-between.
  10. I know how that feels, I have several things that are sitting there half finished.
  11. I'm 99% sure players would need to esmify the DryCanyon.esp for it to work, I don't think a plugin can reference a plain esp, it has to be a master. Anyway the DryCanyon.esp would have to load before the DryCanyonTribe.esp and it won't be able to if it's a master and the DryCanyon.esp is not. The permissions for Dry Canyon suggest it would be OK to include the esmified DryCanyon.esp as long as you notify the author so I would do that.
  12. ESM or the navmesh won't work properly.
  13. Try putting your load order into FO3Edit and seeing if it throws an error, maybe you have a missing master?
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