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Missing Master Mod! - I'm about to go insane! (Mod Help)


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Perhaps I'm a giant noob and can't figure anything out but after HOURS of tinkering and trying to figure things out myself, I'm defeated. All I want is to enjoy the really nice mods available that make the game more aesthetically pleasing so I can get back into it and play it again.

The problem is not that the game won't load, it will get to the beginning screen but none of the "New Game", etc text will come up and instead a window will pop up that says "Missing Master Mod-Check your mod order" I've tried several times making sure I had all the mods in order but I'm still not being able to get the game to work - HELP!

Anyway, here is the mod list and their order, I'm sorry if everything is a mess since I've been tinkering or it's just a stupid, noob mistake, I can't help it.


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