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About M48A5

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    Fallout 3

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  1. I looked at the .nif file that you have and none of the ShaderFlags are set properly. You have to set the flags on each individual body and armor parts listed in the .nif. While looking at the file, there was a point when I rotated the image, part of the right leg became transparent. However, I was not able to duplicate it. I have never had this happen to me. If the shader flags were not correct in a .nif that I had used in blender, the armor was completely invisible.
  2. Open your model in NifSkope and check to make sure that the correct shaders are active. For anything other than skin, the shader type should be sader default. For skin, it should be shader skin. For each item, except for any caps or meat, shader flags that should be active are Specular, Skinned, Windows Environment Mapping, Remapple Textures, Shadow Map, ZBuffer Test. Along with FaceGen if it is any skin part. Also check to ensure that the path to the texture is correct.
  3. Did you disable Archive Invalidation and then enable it after you activated our .esm? Archive Invalidation needs to be toggled, not left on, for changes to become active.
  4. After you made the changes but before you started the game, did you toggle Archive Invalidation? If you are using VORTEX, the built-in Archive Invalidation does not always work. You might have to toggle it a few more times or use the stand alone version that is here on Nexus Mods.
  5. That new load order is a complete mess and it is surprising the game will even start. So, at this point, you are ahead of the game. ALL .esm files must load before any .esp files, unless the .esp is flagged as an .esm and then they should load as the last .esm/first .esp. Also, what do you have installed that does not show on the load list? Things like NVSE, NVTF, 4GB enabler, texture mods, etc.?
  6. With a mod list that large, you probably are exceeding your equipment's ability to run the game. You say you got an out of memory error. Is your game patched to make it use more than 2GB of RAM? What else do you have installed that does not show in the load list.
  7. I have never had to sign-in so many times as I had to today. I had to sign-in here, when I went to the image comments page, when I went to the Premium Subscription page, when I went to the Feedback page and again when I returned here. I thought that there was only one sign-in needed to access the entire nexus. For the censorship part, it seems I ran afoul of the censors and had an image removed. The image actually showed less skin than images in swimsuits. Anyway, it was removed. For those fortunate members that saw, endorsed and commented on the image, a big thank you. Unfortunately, the comments were removed along with the image. Again, thank you.
  8. There is also Neck seam concealer chains https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/37969
  9. Is there any mod like Follower Fixer found in FO3? It stops the follower's weapon from being attached to the right wrist instead of their back. There is also a recall feature in case the follower gets lost or stuck.
  10. Of course there is weapon sway when walking or running. Also, while standing. Weapon sway is also controlled by your strength and health. The lower the health/strength, the more the sway. With the video you provided, I don't see anything out of the ordinary
  11. You don't need a mod to keep the vanilla armors. Just don't install the armor from the mod and the game will load the vanilla armors. Keep in mind that the only thing that armor and body mods have in common are the texture files. If you use, for example, a Type 6M body replacer and don't use the Type 6M armor files, the only thing that will be changed is the nude body. The body file shape has no relationship to the armor files shape.
  12. Yu do not use [ and ] when using console commands. The command should be "player.additem 0000434 2 25".
  13. After adding the texture change, did you toggle Archive Invalidation? Have you checked the texture path to ensure it is correct and the texture was installed?
  14. Why? Are you or someone else being forced to use the file?
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