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trying to run an animation via spell or power but...


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So some history here. I am working on a mugging ability. Originally i wanted to make a pop up menu much like better vampires for bites and sneak tools for backstab. I can find literally NO information on how these work. Second idea was using a npc talk dialogue box, but it would make the animation i wanna use look dumb, and its kinda lame. So I though screw it I will use a power thats better than dialogue not as good as the menu. The animation i am refer to starts at 43 seconds on this youtube video, its the choke hold.

than the idea was they wouldnt be dead but you could take their items. I realize I could do this with a black jack and a weapon script but I have seem other mods do those kinds of thing. I think having the animation would make it a little more immersive and fun. Any help would be appreciated. Also if anyone has a article about hwo to get those pop up menu boxes to work with npc's that would be awesome. I am pretty sure that function is attached with Skyui but... not 100% sure.
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Whatever way you use to activate it, the animation has to be activated by a script with

player.PlayIdleWithTarget(pa_KillMoveH2HSneakNeckBreak, <target>)


player.PlayIdleWithTarget(pa_KillMoveH2HSneakSleeper, <target>)

whatever the name of this animation is.


But first you have to define idles under Animations -> 0_master.hkx, "LOOSE" animations, similar to the other paired animations/killmoves. Use the same name for Idle ID and Anim Event.


This is a killmove. Do you want the target actor being killed afterwards? If not, and if resurrect is no option, then you would need to define the animations as a simple paired animations with FNIS. See the FNIS Modders' doc for details.

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I am actually surprised someone was able to help, and fnis modders doc is a good place to start. the whole thing is i just want to be able to sneak up behind a npc, if not in combat and use a ability to trigger the animation. Should not be dead but still lootable. I figured I would work out the various other details as soon as I could get the animation to work lol. The fnis modders doc seems like a good place to start.

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Also did not realize you where the creator of FNIS, I can only hope at one point ill be as good as modding as you, I can code but the language is still new to me and it feels like its kinda hard to find documentation. Anyway thanks for the insight ill take a look now :)

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okay, i am exhausted. so i am gonna have to really take a better look at this tomorrow but im a bit unclear. So I am going to assume i gota find the animation and extract it from a bsa than.


1. I am unclear about what exactly I need to look at as far as extracting and using hsk and the txt file but it could be due to my tiredness I am just not catching something important here.


2. So its my understanding from what you said if I define something as a km the animation WILL kill the character. So I am going to have to find the animation file and in the animlist change it to a paired animation. HOwever the animlist setup is pretty confusing to me. So I am going to take a shot at it here. Your example is this


PA -D3.466667 HugB paired.hugb.hkx


So if I am to understand this, correct for using it with what I want it would be PA now instead of KM. -d3.46667 this has to be the time right? Where do I even find the animation time. After that Hugb is obviously refering to a hug animation than you have the hkx which is the behavior file. But would I have to put in weapon choices since its orignally a KM? Sorry I realize this is probably laughably easy for you but no matter what game I mod animation alawys seems to be the biggest pain in the but for me.

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Hm. I have the impression that you think you can solve all these problems in no time. Won't work that way. :tongue:


Documentation about papyrus isn't hard to find. It's all in http://www.creationkit.com. Pretty overwhelming in the beginning. And papyrus isn't easy at all.


If you want to have an example on how a program works that activates animations, even paired animations, look at FNIS Spells. It has an animation list, and all components that are needed to determine the other actors reference. And use scripts without being able to directly attach a script either to the player nor to the other actor.


So get you a program that can extract the file. I use FO3Archive since the beginning of Skyrim. Probably there are others, but I'm happy with this.


Extract the animations from the Skyrim - Animations.bsa


The anim duration you can find by converting the animation into xml using hkxcmd.exe. This command line program is a little unhandy, and there is a GUI to be found on Nexus. For my own use I have prepared a few .bat files for the different situations I need it. For example, to convert all hkx file from a directory tree I use this command:

d:\hkxcmd.exe convert -v:xml . xml


HugB is the Animation Event which FNIS will generate to activate the animation file paired_hugb.hkx. Actually, in this paired an km cases, FNIS generates another animevent for the other actor, pa_hugb. About behavior files you don't need to be concerned. That's what FNIS is doing.


But you have no weapon choice. FNIS does not do anything under combat situations. I'm actually not even sure what would happen if you have the weapon drawn and then execute a pa or km. You have to try yourself. If you WANT to use a weapon during one FNIS animation you can turn a weapon mesh into an AnimObject (like the sword AnimObject). But that's probably a question for later. :smile:


I would also check what these killmove mods out there are doing. I never looked into any of those, but at least one should do pretty much the same what you want. Activate a killmove animation which is defined as animation file and in the (standard) behavior. But not activated by the vanilla game. Because that's exactly what has happened with at least some of these 1.5 patch killmove animations.

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Oh actually no, if anything I have gotten stumped for a entire day worth of effort on very small things lol. It took me a entire day to figure out how to put the Auriels Bow eclipse effect on another bow. I am not proud of this fact but, I am still new to skyrim modding. I am just stubborn and want my first mod to be something people find really enjoyable. But also I probably took to big of a bite for my first mod. But I blame that on the fact that I spent like 10 years modding ultimate online and than a few other games so I got overly excited. So far the only two mile stones I was not able to over come have been mostly to do with animation. Which I feel like is probably the hardest aspect of modding this game. My only other big challenge after I figure out this, is fixing out how to do a seperate exp system for a quest line where you get exp from things like stealing, lock picking, etc. But I have a general idea how I am gonna do that. Anyway rambling on! The deathmod isnt a bad idea I will check that out, i actually started by looking into sneak tools and better vampires because they had a menu, but I just couldnt figure that aspect out. Thanks for the insight gonna get some breakfast and start working on this again hehe.

Edited by haytur
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