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Everything posted by haytur

  1. So I coverted the nif to work with SSE but its having issues with transparancy I think I have no idea what they changed but it broke the bow in my mod. You can see a picture of it in my mod link. Now it shows like the a blocky box where the effect should be, the effect still goes but you can see where the bounds are. Here is how it SHOULD look like https://imgur.com/Yu62yt6 here is what it DOES look like https://imgur.com/VC184xy I have been doing the best i can to find some help with this if someone can help me i would greatly appreciate it. Link to Mod:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/64486
  2. I have a xbox as well and tested it, so its def broken. Just can't track down the specific reason for it. I know its the custom mesh or textures and i am leaning more towards the mesh. But I mean it works on PC I just don't see why it wouldnt work on xbox. Hopefully someone has a idea.
  3. So first off I got permission to port over and update/fix sneak tools and I just recently found replacements to make the arrows more immersive and they work fine on PC, but they crash when you try to look at them on Xbox and I am just utterly stumped! Anyone have any ideas? http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1863/?
  4. Okay so, doing a script to knock out npc's with the sleeper hold. My problem is i have most of the things working but when they "wake up" the npc cannot move and just walks in place. I am pretty damn sure its due to this. Currently I am using restrain and setunconsious along with that if that also helps at all.
  5. I know skyui doesnt work, so i have seen other mods that have different ways of doing mod options such as using a power or a item. I don't really have a solid idea on how to do this but I need to add in options to the mod I ported over. If anyone could help me i would GREATLY appreciate it. Mod in question: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1863/?
  6. So I have been a active skyrim modder and I saw they added a Kerrigan ghost outfit from SC2, now I seriously doubt anyone has any intentions on making the c-20a Rifle to go along with this. I have never 3d modeled but since the creation kit isnt out I figured Perhaps I would give it a go... What model format does it need to be in and anything special with it? Will I need to wait until the creation kit is released to add it in? Any tips would be appreciated. Oh also there a way to make custom scopes?
  7. Ok so after doing my Shadow Dancer Class Mod. People where asking if I would do another class mod. So I played with a few ideas and if I can get far enough along I am going to do a Necromancer Class mod. My -only- issue is that for me to feel like it meets the standards I want it to I need to add in a few custom effects. Instead of a staff i want the necromancer to use a summonable scythe. There are at least two or three models of scythe that allow anyone to use the assests. But I was thinking about this one. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/17519/? and making it all black partly translucent. That part I can do the hard part is I also want it to emit blackish smoke from the weapon, if not the entire thing than at least the blade. I have monkeyed with trying to figure this stuff out and I just honestly can't find a great place to start. Honestly this is the HARDEST effect I can think of in the mod that I have planned so I was wondering if anyone know of a tutorial or would be willing to help me out I would be more than happy to share my design with teh class with you before to see if you even wanted to. I just need at least a place to start if anyone would be willing to at least point me in the right direction I would be so greatful.
  8. My ability to code C# is pretty good, my ability to code papyrus is well not so much. I was looking at the scripts for the mod seemed complicated.
  9. Hrmm they are all currently in book format... can you effect drop rate in leveled list?
  10. So I decided my mod would first ship with the new abilities focusing on mainly adding more rogue like abilities to the game that are balanced. I was orignally going to add abilities through quests but later decided I would much rather finish the abilities up and than focus on a new mod that is just questing. My orignal idea was to do something like Achieve That! does and require the player to do many different things. Such as for Parkour perk, they would have to take falling damage so many times or a certain amount, and for things like toxicity maybe making a certain number of poisons. I am not at that level yet however so I need a better way to add them. I am not super keen on the idea of just having a vendor sell them but I think I lack the ability to do something much more complex. Unless someone has a good way of tracking things in the form of a tutoiral that maybe helpful.
  11. Oh actually no, if anything I have gotten stumped for a entire day worth of effort on very small things lol. It took me a entire day to figure out how to put the Auriels Bow eclipse effect on another bow. I am not proud of this fact but, I am still new to skyrim modding. I am just stubborn and want my first mod to be something people find really enjoyable. But also I probably took to big of a bite for my first mod. But I blame that on the fact that I spent like 10 years modding ultimate online and than a few other games so I got overly excited. So far the only two mile stones I was not able to over come have been mostly to do with animation. Which I feel like is probably the hardest aspect of modding this game. My only other big challenge after I figure out this, is fixing out how to do a seperate exp system for a quest line where you get exp from things like stealing, lock picking, etc. But I have a general idea how I am gonna do that. Anyway rambling on! The deathmod isnt a bad idea I will check that out, i actually started by looking into sneak tools and better vampires because they had a menu, but I just couldnt figure that aspect out. Thanks for the insight gonna get some breakfast and start working on this again hehe.
  12. okay, i am exhausted. so i am gonna have to really take a better look at this tomorrow but im a bit unclear. So I am going to assume i gota find the animation and extract it from a bsa than. 1. I am unclear about what exactly I need to look at as far as extracting and using hsk and the txt file but it could be due to my tiredness I am just not catching something important here. 2. So its my understanding from what you said if I define something as a km the animation WILL kill the character. So I am going to have to find the animation file and in the animlist change it to a paired animation. HOwever the animlist setup is pretty confusing to me. So I am going to take a shot at it here. Your example is this PA -D3.466667 HugB paired.hugb.hkx So if I am to understand this, correct for using it with what I want it would be PA now instead of KM. -d3.46667 this has to be the time right? Where do I even find the animation time. After that Hugb is obviously refering to a hug animation than you have the hkx which is the behavior file. But would I have to put in weapon choices since its orignally a KM? Sorry I realize this is probably laughably easy for you but no matter what game I mod animation alawys seems to be the biggest pain in the but for me.
  13. Also did not realize you where the creator of FNIS, I can only hope at one point ill be as good as modding as you, I can code but the language is still new to me and it feels like its kinda hard to find documentation. Anyway thanks for the insight ill take a look now :)
  14. I am actually surprised someone was able to help, and fnis modders doc is a good place to start. the whole thing is i just want to be able to sneak up behind a npc, if not in combat and use a ability to trigger the animation. Should not be dead but still lootable. I figured I would work out the various other details as soon as I could get the animation to work lol. The fnis modders doc seems like a good place to start.
  15. So some history here. I am working on a mugging ability. Originally i wanted to make a pop up menu much like better vampires for bites and sneak tools for backstab. I can find literally NO information on how these work. Second idea was using a npc talk dialogue box, but it would make the animation i wanna use look dumb, and its kinda lame. So I though screw it I will use a power thats better than dialogue not as good as the menu. The animation i am refer to starts at 43 seconds on this youtube video, its the choke hold. than the idea was they wouldnt be dead but you could take their items. I realize I could do this with a black jack and a weapon script but I have seem other mods do those kinds of thing. I think having the animation would make it a little more immersive and fun. Any help would be appreciated. Also if anyone has a article about hwo to get those pop up menu boxes to work with npc's that would be awesome. I am pretty sure that function is attached with Skyui but... not 100% sure.
  16. So after looking and looking and screwing around with it in nifskope, even reading through a thread that was posted on here with out much luck. I can't manage to change the bound bow "fire" effect into ether black or blackish grey (smoke color) at this point ether would be okay but the color just refuses to change. I have altered most of the color settings in Nikskope tried different gradients... Just not much luck. :/ Anyone have any idea what I may be over looking here?
  17. Couple things, when bug testing you have to really look at couple of things. 1. What is the situation that is causing this thing to happen, and can you recreate it or effect it by doing other things. 2. If you can't figure the above out always good to go back over EVERYTHING involves and check for correct scriping syntax and proper settings. 3. If this doesnt work it's time to play if this than that. find ways to figure out where the situation is misfiring. This is done maybe ways but typically use debug messages, and if you can't break down a more complex script into smaller parts by disabling different sections and testing each section by itself. 4. If you come to the forums, you need to be specific as possible, tell us what you are trying to do, what is happening, what you have tried AND any relevant code or concerns you have. I find on here at times it can be hard to get people to respond and they are more likely to respond if they have all the relevant data. The easier it is for them to see the problem the greater the chance you will get some help.
  18. This thing refuses to work, it -should- mute everything hell the damn thing even compiles. It's run from a spell effect maye thats the problem? :( Scriptname NM_TrainedMute extends Form SoundCategory Property kAudioCategoryMaster Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategoryAMB Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategoryAMBr Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategoryFST Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategoryFSTnpc Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategoryMAG Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategoryMUS Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategoryNonVOC Auto SoundCategory Property AUdioCategoryNPCKillMove Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategorySFX Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategorySFXFadeDuringDialogue Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategoryUI Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategoryVOC Auto SoundCategory Property AudioCategoryVOCGeneral Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) kAudioCategoryMaster.Mute() AudioCategoryAMB.Mute() AudioCategoryAMBR.Mute() AudioCategoryFST.Mute() AudioCategoryFSTnpc.Mute() AudioCategoryMAG.Mute() AudioCategoryMUS.Mute() AudioCategoryNonVOC.Mute() AudioCategoryNPCKillMove.Mute() AudioCategorySFX.Mute() AudioCategorySFXFadeDuringDialogue.Mute() AudioCategoryUI.Mute() AudioCategoryVOC.Mute() AudioCategoryVOCGeneral.Mute() EndEvent Event OnEffectEnd(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) kAudioCategoryMaster.UnMute() AudioCategoryAMB.UnMute() AudioCategoryAMBR.UnMute() AudioCategoryFST.UnMute() AudioCategoryFSTnpc.UnMute() AudioCategoryMAG.UnMute() AudioCategoryMUS.UnMute() AudioCategoryNonVOC.UnMute() AudioCategoryNPCKillMove.UnMute() AudioCategorySFX.UnMute() AudioCategorySFXFadeDuringDialogue.UnMute() AudioCategoryUI.UnMute() AudioCategoryVOC.UnMute() AudioCategoryVOCGeneral.UnMute() EndEvent
  19. Honestly, I started doing game mods probably about 12 years ago. I was a head dev for a Ultima Online Shard called Teiravon. Honestly while I just started moding in skyrim I have always enjoyed fantasy based games. In Ultima some of my most notable alterations were big systems such as a Monk class, Bard Class, a lot of exotic different things. I really loved working on these things because it allowed me to Design game features and I enjoyed that others liked my work. Now today in skyrim I am working on my Never More Rogue mod because I enjoy playing a stealthy character and I felt like there was sometthings that i felt where missing. But I am doing it more for the fact that I hope others who enjoy a immersive stealth class will find some joy and amusement in the creations I have made. My only gripe is there doesnt seem to be a strong community of modders who seem to get together and talk, but that isnt surprising considering the game is three years old and I am late to the game lol
  20. Mod is now in Beta and 8 of the ten Abilities are up for testing! The mod is a stealth class addon as well as a quest mod, the quest is a WIP. You can read more about it on my Beta Page. You can find the abilities in a chest in the whiterun keep its a bit forward and to your right in a chest. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/62754/? This mod is meant to be balanced, but its also meant to be played after you complete both the thieves guild and assassins guild playthrough. So its more of a late game mod so keep that in mind.
  21. So I am looking for someone who would be willing to make a simple (in comparison to some other animations)animation mod I am working on of course you would get 100% credit and I would love you forever. OR a good tutorial for 3d max on how to do it. I just need a simple Front Kick Animation. Its for an ability and I will describe it below (despite its name it just needs to look like a regular front kick) Shadow Kick - Throw a kick catching enemies of the same size group off guard causing them to fall. The general idea is you kick a enemy who you could realistically actually kick over. (Player races, some undead, some animals etc) I am going to make this my "defensive portion" of my rogue mod which I will be releasing a majority of the abilities tonight for testing aside from this one and the mug ability. Sense I have feel like just adding armor is kinda meh, and some of the other rogues mods ways of dealing with it for me at least kinda break immersion such as slowing down time. So this is my idea. Anyway below is the list to what the mod will be about, some of the skills have changed including the above kick. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/2576139-never-more-the-rogue-overhaul-wip/ Thank you for your time.
  22. Ok this didn't work I. We'd to disable a certain sound category and I found the function but not really much info other than that. I know it's .Mute() but I think the sound catigories have to be defined and maybe there has to be a function and end function in there to but can't find the proper way to code it in
  23. So I am working on my rogue mod ability trained hearing and it allows you to basically do a detect life effect but shows everything the dead, machines, etc. But I am trying to figure out how to do a good sound effect with it. I would personally like to have it mute all sound while the effect is active but perhaps walking or sounds comming from a npc. But that may be to much to ask. My other thought was maybe muting everything entirely but a sfx of a heart beat (kind of like a sniper holding their breath effect in a few fps's) Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.
  24. Thanks a lot! I spent the majority of today working on how I am going to script this so I have most of it figured out. Hopefully once it is all done it should feel like it fits right in with the game smoothly. I think sometime next week I will release just the abilities for testing on here. The quest and leveling part will take the most time, espeacially with voice acting.
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