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True parrying


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While I know that the first instinct of people who read this may be to point me to the Dual Wield Parrying mod, but that's really not what I'm looking for. For well over a year I've been wanting to play a Fencer(One-handed sword, empty left hand) but the fact is that the build simply isn't viable, and you're better off going sword and board. What I'm looking for is a mod that uses a concept similar to the "Timed Block"; however, in stead if it being based off the block action, it being based off of attacking. The idea is that Dovakin and Opponent A are both using one-handed weapons and they both attack at the same time. Instead of either one hitting the other, or both hitting each other, the blades connect mid strike, negating the damage from both attacks; more or less deflecting the blows. The same idea could be applied with two-handed swords.


Of course, if we were to chance the scenario a bit, say, Dovakin has either a one or two-handed sword and Opponent A has a mace or an axe, the attack style is clearly different and parrying a blow from one of those would be much more difficult/impossible and blocking would be the logical thing to do. Does anyone know if this kind of thing is even doable, or if there already is a mod for this I simply can't find?

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Thanks I really appreciate it, the parrying in that is exactly what I was looking for. Now, I disabled all of the stagger mechanics from the mod since I'm using the stagger mechanics form PerMa, but for some reason now I'm getting staggered every time I get hit with an arrow. Now, the mod says nothing about stagger with bows, but I can't recall this ever happening before installing the mod. And of course, like an idiot, I forgot to make a true save before installing the mod, so even after deactivating the mod the bows continue to stagger(Which would be consistent with script pollution). I'd rather not lose the progress(it's about an hour and a half) if I can avoid it, so does anyone know if this is a normal part of this mod or if it's something else(I'm of course NOT asking for assistance in narrowing it down past that point, just wanting to know for sure if the bow/arrow stagger is part of Action Combat)?



So upon further testing with my old save, it does appear to be a problem with script pollution. This also opens back up the question of if there are any other mods that add a parrying function. Action Combat's parrying is perfect, but the added staggering on top of the staggers I ALREADY have to deal with with PerMa make this mod a little too problematic to actually use unfortunately

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