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'Make Active Quest' button at quest start, like Oblivion- possible?


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script used in first quest. message pops up when game loaded.


The message with buttons works, but the button doesn't seem to function.


The faction message part isn't working either.

scn AAAGGBQStartMessageScript

short shown
short button

Begin GameMode

if (player.getincell GSDocMitchellHouse == 0) && (shown == 0)
showmessage AAAGGBQStartMessage
SetStage AAAGGBookQuest 10
set shown to 1

Begin GameMode

if (shown == 1) && (GetPCInFaction AAAGGGarbageGuruFaction 1)
showmessage AAAGGJoinedGuruFactionMsg
elseif (shown == 1) && (GetPCInFaction AAAGGLoyalistFaction 1)
showmessage AAAGGJoinedLoyalistFactionMsg
set shown to 2

Begin MenuMode

set button to getbuttonpressed
if (button == 1)
ForceActiveQuest AAAGGBookQuest

I realize the question 'make active quest' is missing... I took it out after thinking I had to try something else.


Edited by templeofninpo
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Got it working with this-

scn AAAGGBQStartMessageScript

short shown
short button

Begin GameMode

if (player.getincell GSDocMitchellHouse == 0) && (shown == 0)
showmessage AAAGGBQStartMessage
set shown to 1

Begin MenuMode

if (getstage AAAGGBookQuest < 10)
set button to getbuttonpressed
if (button == 1)
SetStage AAAGGBookQuest 10
ForceActiveQuest AAAGGBookQuest
elseif (button == 0)
SetStage AAAGGBookQuest 10



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OK. So that actually didn't work. What did was starting with my first simple startquest msg re:

scn AAAGGBQStartMessageScript

short shown

Begin GameMode

if (player.getincell GSDocMitchellHouse == 0) && (shown == 0)
showmessage AAAGGBQStartMessage
setstage AAAGGBookQuest 10
set shown to 1


Then I made a separate quest just for the 'Make Active Quest' msg re:


scn AAAGGActivateQuestScript

short shown
short button

Begin GameMode

if (getStage AAAGGBookQuest == 10) && (shown == 0)
showmessage AAAGGBQActivateQuestMessage
set shown to 1

Begin MenuMode

set button to getbuttonpressed

if (button == 1)
ForceActiveQuest AAAGGBookQuest


With the important thing being to have the 'make active quest' quest NOT 'start game enabled' AND having 'startquest AAAGGActivateQuest' inserted after the 'setobjectivedisplayed AAAGGBookQuest 10 1' in the book quest's 'quest stages'.

the reason being that it would work but would not advance to the 'setobjectivedisplayed' fancy startquest text popup until (for some reason) you simply checked your quest list on your pipboy (where it would have book quest already set as active)... any hoo...

this seems flawless so far

EDIT- scratch that. maybe needs a script delay in the activatequest...

Edited by templeofninpo
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The best I've been able to do is get it so the message comes up, you click yes, then it starts another new quest to have the forceactivequest in GameMode... and even then it will not set it until quests are looked at in the pipboy... just looked at- it will say your last quest is active and without doing anything but leaving your pipboy it will then become active... I'm going to remove it for the time being...

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