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Slavic weapons, armor, clothing and maybe a companion


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There are tons of viking and norse mods ( yes skyrim nords are almost identical to real life Scandinavian people) , but no Slavic ones.

how about one of the most fearsome battleaxes/ pole arms in history the bardich

maybe even some simple light armor / clothing

it would be neat to see this armor/weapon put in the game, but anything Slavic related would be neat maybe even a companion or quest

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Ooh. These will definitely be fun to mess around with. The male Cossack garment in the last picture could make an interesting armor for an alchemist, if the color scheme is altered and the military symbols omitted. The Bardiche should require only a few tweaks to the headsman's axe.

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i found some cool piece of steel
inspired by this Polish XV century sword - the guard of the handle is even better on the original weapon

and also.. um.. :





i think if someone is willing to play around and make something similar - not literally recreate these models - but just use them giving free rein to imagination, the results might be quite interesting.






found something else as well:

(Polish sabre)





Edited by jpcas
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