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How does one script a special effect?


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I have this script on a book. It does exactly what I want, but it lacks something sparkly...

Scriptname nh_tele_toHall extends ObjectReference  

ObjectReference Property hallMarker auto
ObjectReference Property retMarker auto
Cell Property nh_hall auto

Event OnRead()
	Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()
	Cell currentCell = PlayerREF.GetParentCell()

	If nh_hall != currentCell 

	If nh_hall == currentCell 

So you read a book and get telemajorted to a room with no exit. Read the book again and get telemajorted back to where you were.

Anyone able to tell me how to add some special effects OTHER than fading to black? What kind of property do I need to declare? etc. etc. I only found stuff on google about fading to black, and only with snippets that did not show what properties i need. Thanks for reading!

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It's IMods (image spaces). You make one in the CK, define a property for it and apply it. There's a wide range of IMods already made, but you can make your own as well.
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