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Detailed Skyrim map for "tabletop" RP


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Evening to you my friend.


I have a very simple desire: A high detail full map of Skyrim similar to the lovely one found at http://srmap.uesp.net/ but simply in one massive image file.


I'm not talking an overview, I mean one similar to the fully zoomed in version of that map.


What's that you say? "Daft"? I prefer "outside the box".


You see, I have a wonderful love for tabletop roleplaying, and do so enjoy sallying the nights away with my friends in these exploits. By nature, I tend to be the Game Master in these games, and I don't mind.


We find ourselves at a loss however, we desire to traverse the worlds of Tamriel and have chosen Skyrim as our first stop since it would be the easiest to arrange. The difficulty in this would be that the nature of this setting requires tactical maps to exploit each of the possible paths for players to take fully and in full party. If I can only get my hands on a complete map in an image file, then I can convert it to tactical maps without much trouble. I would gladly share these tactical maps with anyone interested if I can only get the world images.


Do any of you know how this can be done? Or where it may already have been done? If I can get them, I will not only provide the tactical maps in a variety of formats compatible with most virtual tabletop engines, but would even offer up the roleplay system I write for it as well. I never try and sell my rulebooks anyway, so might as well let others enjoy them.


Best regards

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An exceptional poster that is digitaltrucker! I may even need to offer it a reformat and print it on a single wall scroll to display proudly my love of these things.

Sadly, it does not resolve my need for tactical battlemaps however. It cannot zoom in far enough and offer details such as rocks, plants, and roads, that will be necessary for players to make their swift decisions for safety from bandits prying eyes and deadly arrows.

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