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Advice on player home mod?


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So im wanting to make a player home mod for Skyrim and im not sure where to start. I've tried searching for ways to create it and have only found things that didn't give me an exact answer. I know the creation kit is a tool that I could use but when I use it I get a lot of errors and it always doesn't respond. ( I've tried fixing the errors but couldn't figure it out and it seemed like something would always go wrong so I've given up on it. ) Is there other engines I could use to make this player home for Skyrim?

- Im also wanting to create a couple special NPCs to go with this home but like I said earlier the creation kit isn't working for me, what should I use?

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Basically you need to open ck then click save and give a name for your mod. Next make this your active file and add the files needed for your mod such as skyrim.esp, update.esp and dlcs if you want to use content from them. If you are given the multiple master files error I believe there is a mod that fixes this or you can set the appropriate value in your ini file (can't remember it at the moment). If you wish to use modders resources in your mod you can add them by clicking on the appropriate branch such as static then right clicking new, in the file that pops up click edit and find the model you're wanting to add then give it a name. Pretty much all of this can be found on the creation kits wiki and the nexus modders resource section which has some quality tutorials. One thing to remember is save a LOT and to make sure your mod is active in your load order as sometimes it won't be automatically added.

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I recently had to search for help using the Creation Kit due to this multiple master files error & I ended up finding this page on Nexus "How to get Creation Kit to open Dawnguard-Hearthfires-Dragonborn" by Forzane. I followed the steps laid out & it worked for me. I recommend making a back up copy of the file before you make any changes.

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My errors are all over the place and seem to occur randomly too but ill definitely try that. Tlaffoon, I usually load up the skyrim file and go from there but I made a character and I saved and all but it only showed up in my plugin list and not the CK. That character never showed up in the game either even though it was plugged in.

the relationship feature doesn't even work for me!


im just in awe that people are making such amazing mods with something so unstable.

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