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Hey all, I recall a Skyrim mod that let all of your favorited weapons appear holstered on the player body in third person.

I don't know about you guys, but to put your equipped weapon away, and it disapear into thin air is nerve racking for me.
Makes you question Bethesda a bit, seeing as how this is something I'm pretty certain was built in to previous games.

My request is that somebody takes the time, (when proper modding is available,) to allow the currently equipped weapon to show up in 3rd person when holstered.
Upon future request for the somebody who knows what they are doing, to allow the "favorited" items to show up in variable locations on the player body.
However Bethy seems like they got lazy, and didn't add any seperate animations for equipping different weapons in third person.
Literally, every draw, and holstering animation is the SAME.

This could also potentially look REALLY terrible with power armor on.
So seperate work would have to be done to avoid a clipping nightmare.

Hopefully a brilliant lad (or lass) reads this and, ah yes:
"I know what you desire most, and will create with ease."

Thank you modders, you make PC gaming so much more fun.

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