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Hello, i am trying to make my own character mod, so i unpacked some mods to study.

But the body textures are darker than in-game model texture. Why is it?

And what is _sk texture?

And finally, if you know any good tutorial about 3d character(modelling, texturing, etc.), please share it! I don't care if it's paid tutorial.

thank you for reading.

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  • 2 months later...

Femalebody_1_sk_ : looks like a texture map used, when the "character is damaged" like red for blood XD ( idk rly)

The other female body texture: it could be a " map used to color the shadows"


those black ones.. idk..

it could be used as base color for one of the other maps..?

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.dds = diffuse map, the compressed texture itself
_msn.dds = should be the body's normal map
_s.dds = well since the specular map is in the _n.dds alpha i guess this is a gloss/shine map
_sk.dds = if i remember right these maps contain sub surface details
Biggest impact would have the change/edit of the .dds map since it contains the "real texture",
_msn.dds - the normal map defines 3D details - simulates more details on a low polygon surface. There should be the specular in its alpha channel (black=dark,white=bright ingame). A "faked" normal map itself can be generated with Nvidia DDS plugin for Gimp/PS from the texture itself.
_s.dds - just had a look on it in PS, seems similar to the other object's _m.dds, same color sheme as the specular map mentioned in the _msn.dds. Black = dark, less reflection/gloss, white = the opposite.
_sk.dds - well you see its details in Gimp/Photoshop

Hope it helps. :blush:
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