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Questions for OnEffectFinish Script


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Ok, so I've been having an issue with a new race mod I have been working on not properly turning back from vampire lord into its respective vampire race (though still having the isVampire keyword) and decided it would be easier to make a listener script to resolve the issue and set your character to the proper race after the vampire lord revert effect has finished but I've hit a bit of a snag with my scripting. How do I check to see if a specific magic effect has ended without attaching the script to the effect or the actor directly?

The exact effect i'm listening for is the DLC1RevertEffect, once it ends, if my character is the proper customrace it will set my race to customracevampire forcefully with the player.setrace function. I do not wish to change any of the game's vanilla effects or scripts to have this script work as to maximize comparability with other mods.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


P.S. I'm linking the script to the player via their race using a keyword.

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I am currently trying to work with those however i am unsure how to properly implement them. As i said, i am trying to have a script to Check to see if the player has the custom race keyword and is currently reverting back from vampire lord, then wait for the revert to end, then set your race back to the proper custom race's vampire race.

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