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Multi Core for Skyrim?


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Hello Everyone. I have a laptop with the i7 740qm processor. I was just curious as to whether or not Skyrim will be able to harness the power of all four cores. I know Oblivion only functions off of only one core. However, Skyrim is much newer. I'm speculating that it will take advantage of multi core processors, however, if anyone has any confirmation of this it would be greatly appreciated. Thankyou in advance.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I too think that Skyrim would have to use multiple cores, all new games do, not to mention how powerful a single core processor you would need (or how good a cooling system :tongue: ) to handle Skyrim and all background tasks as it appears to have all the new shiny DX11 features in it. Anyways, I know that games have been using multiple cores since 2006 or maybe even longer (the oldest game I know of with multiple core support is Company of heroes), so I am pretty sure that Bethesda would not backwards like jim_uk said :sweat:.
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My guess is that Bethesda locked in their Skyrim basic game engine capabilities about 3 years ago. So don't expect it to be able to do things that have come out in the last year or two. If they stop production every time something better comes along they will never get a game out because they would be going back and redoing things that were already finalized.


Yes, it would be great if they had much better multi threading and multi processor support, and I would like to see features like multi monitor support and a fully remappable keyboard with macro capability. But hopefully they put their money into a decent story line, combat system, AI, and other features that make a game playable - and especially a good SDK so we can mod it.

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Have to also keep in mind that the game is designed to run on current gaming systems. That was kinda what made them keep the project under wraps for so long, seeing if they should try and do it with the current platforms or try to develop it for systems which might not come out any time soon. Like it or not, the PC game market is influenced by consoles. The good news is that since even decent PC hardware blows most consoles away, we can modify and add to it without fear of major processing bottlenecks (a constant issue with Oblivion). Them trying to pull out everything that older technology allows also means much more refined and optimized coding which is also a win-win.
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