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a little play with FOV (for realism)


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Hi. I was just playing with ingame FOV commands and I found that ~"fov 130 100" is kinda more life like to me.

First value is weapon model fov, and other is world fov.

There is a problem however when you aim down the sights, it should change the first value more drastically.

For example I would like 130 100 when im not aiming, and something like 70 70 when aiming. Default is 80 80 / 70 70(if im not mistaken).

If possible - configurable with ingame console, not hardcoded to mod.


Here's some screenies for the mod(fov 130 100 and 70 70-90 for aiming):












How's vanilla looks(fov 80 80 / 70 70 when aiming):









Edited by voivodpl
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I know, but the options doesn't cover idea for the mod. Basically I want weapon fov ~120-130 and weapon fov ~70 when I aim down the sights.

Ummmm.... thats why ADS (Aim Down Sights) is separate? so you can set separate values from weapon fov and stuff? Is this not what your asking?

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