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CBBE BodySlide Modifications Not Showing Up In-Game"


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Just a stab in the dark, but its possible you may have batch-built for the clothes NPCs are wearing, but not for the clothes (or lack thereof) that your character is wearing. When you make a custom body, you have to apply that manipulated form to the apparel as well.

I definitely selected the ones for my character too because it still does change my character, but its just different from the npcs. The npcs look exactly the same as the bodyslide preview, but my character is different and looks a bit glitched and weird.

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Also, if you're using a/the 'Unique Player' mod, you have to install the files manually; see CBBE FAQ9.

I am not using the Unique Player Mod. Also, I stated my problem wrong. Changes do appear on my player, but they do not look the same as the preset. The changes only look the same as the preset on the NPCs. On my player, the model is weird and glitchy and some bodyparts ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) are smaller than the ones on the npcs.

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Delete your previous build in your game's Data folder. Rerun Body slide. Save your body as a preset. Then hit build. and finish that. Then do the batch build. Be careful to only use CBBE Body, or CBBE Never Nude. Using both can cause glitches. Use only one of those.

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Delete your previous build in your game's Data folder. Rerun Body slide. Save your body as a preset. Then hit build. and finish that. Then do the batch build. Be careful to only use CBBE Body, or CBBE Never Nude. Using both can cause glitches. Use only one of those.

I know its not a problem with deleting the previous build because I tried uninstalling all of the mods and deleting all of the mod folders inside of Data and then I reinstalled everything and the problem didn't change. Also, some people misunderstood my question a little bit. My character did change, it just looked different from the preview in BodySlide and the parts that I changed appeared smaller and glitchy. When I look at the NPCs though, they look EXACTLY the same as the preview in BodySlide.

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