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My wishlist for Mods


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.1. We should have a mods so we can know where companions are on the map.

2.We should be able to place turrets and landmines anywhere on the map.

3. We should be able to adjust the amount of enemies that attack.

4.We should be able to create tripwires for turrets

5.We should be able to determine the kind of ammo that turrets shoot.

6.We should have laser tracking turrets/sentries(They should track enemies and objects)

7.I want flying orbs like in the movie Phantasm. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08kyNhk48Ig

8.enemies tracking and destroy eyebots. You launch them(choice of how many) from the eyebot station and they search for enemies to destroy.

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I believe with 6 he is suggesting turrets with a laser on them that tracks enemies, (I'm guessing just a laser pointer basically? lol) and with 8, it sounds to me like he means you go to a station, "EyeBot Station", clarify a number, and that number of EyeBots will emerge and go hunt for enemies.

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I believe with 6 he is suggesting turrets with a laser on them that tracks enemies, (I'm guessing just a laser pointer basically? lol) and with 8, it sounds to me like he means you go to a station, "EyeBot Station", clarify a number, and that number of EyeBots will emerge and go hunt for enemies.


Thanks, is what I'm saying. A player should be able to send out numerous EyeBots from a EyeBot Station that seek and destroy an enemy.

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