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Rapid Eye Movement


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Dachande found his combi stick behind the boxes ,as he was heading back to the ship there was a group of troops heading his way, he went in the nearist house..... it smelled funny. As he was walking around the house he heared a noise in the basement he turned on his thurmal view, when he got to the basement he saw two oomans, one looked normal but the other one.... had no heat on her body..but she was moving.


Suprized at this he fell back in the stairs making a loud noise.

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"I mean no harm, miss, but if that's what you're at, I'll be more than a match." Urik readied his formidable axe, and decided he should calm down and explain. "I'm here to recruit adventurers. I don't mean to be some sort of general, but I'd like to lead, if it be alright by you. I need a small party to help me unravel some clues. There may be some action. Maybe some gold. If anything, you won't be bored. You know those dreams everyone's been having? Well, mine's different than most folks, I'd guess. Mine's got some strange meaning to it." Urik went on to explain the occurrances at his house, the dreams he'd been having, and what he made of the issue. As he was waiting for the lady's acceptance, a loud noise caught his attention...
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Laraine watched the Nord speak intently, eyes wide and alert. She looked at him with her head slightly turned, so it was as if she was trying to see him through the side of her nose. Gold, in essence, had lost its meaning to her. But the second part of his sentence spoke to her. It wasn't as if she had anything else to do with her existence. And when he spoke of the dreams, the self-same dreams she had, Laraine grew worried. A menacing feeling crept over her. If the dreams were not stopped she would go mad. And if others were having them as well, it could only be foreboding. Such a powerful omen meant that troubled times were indeed ahead.

How long had it been since someone did not recoil from her...

She was about to respond when suddenly a loud crashing came from the staircase. She lept from the bed, expelling her breath through her teeth and making a hissing noise. She watched the Nord with angry suspicion.

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Urik looked at the woman as she was hissing, and noticed her pointed teeth.


A vampire...


Urik had never been in league with a vampire before. Well, maybe. He was still waiting for her answer, and the dirty look she gave him made him think that she might not join him. If she did however... Exhilirating! Like forbidden fruit! His thoughts wandered... And she was so starkly beautiful... He pushed those thoughts away, and cleared his head. Now was not the time for idle flights of fancy.


"I came here alone," Urik said, to calm the female vamp. "And if we're going to have to fight together, I'd like to be introduced. My name is Urik. What's yours?"

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She raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

Her name. Laraine laughed inwardly to herself. She couldn't even remember her name. Her existence was like a bad dream. Time had lost its relevance.

Two intruders at the same time after years of solitude...thoughts occured to her that had not in ages. She smiled, feeling her Vampiric mind kicking into gear. It was a pleasant feeling, a sort of awakening.

"Laraine" said she, "What do you think that noise was?"

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Urik was taken aback.


"Well, I didn't know what your name was. Mine's Urik. Pleased to meet you. I'd shake your hand, but this thing's heavy. Maybe later."


Urik readied himself alongside Laraine, ready for whatever may come.


(OOC: Let's wait a bit for Pious, so he can establish his entrance, or lack-there-of, or whatever)

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(OOC: I cleared it up with Pious)


Urik looked at the creature that tumbled into Laraine's basement.


It was the man from his dreams.


Only now, Urik could see that it wasn't human at all, or even of any other race in all of Vvardenfell.


It had some strange helm on, and odd equipment, including some arm brace Urik had never seen. He needed a drink.


"Laraine, I don't know what it is, but it was in my dreams. Do you have any ideas?"

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