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Buy / Disassemble Weapon Mods


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I would LOVE to be able to buy weapon and armor mods without having to craft them! I understand you can buy modded gear from vendors and remove the mods, but the problem is you usually have to craft "basic" components to replace them, and I don't collect scrap so the cost is more than just the cost of the weapon I want to cannibalize; I usually have to buy junk from a vendor to make the "basic" components too. :mad:


- There should be a Disassemble option at workbenches. Disassembling a weapon/armor would break it down into the major parts (receiver, barrel, stock, muzzle attachment, sights, etc...) that already exist in the game as "Mods". I'd still like the option of straight scrapping weapons in case I need to pull some fiber-optics out of a laser rifle, but in my mind if I'm going to scrap and then throw away a weapon for an upgraded receiver, I'd just pull all the other parts off and toss them! I wouldn't build a replacement receiver for the gun I'm about to throw away!


- It would be nice to pay for upgrades directly. Or, it would be nice to have modding as a service. Just like you used to have an option to pay for gear enchantment in Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, it'd be nice if you could open the "craft" dialogue with vendors and have them build the mods based on their level and perks (or merchant level), and have the cost be caps instead of scrap components. I think this would be a more direct and "better" solution but this seems a lot more complicated to do, so the "Disassemble" option above might be easier.

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I am working on a mod called Gun Nut that totally changes the weapon upgrades. Some of these features you mention I have implemented. Others seem like a good idea!


One of the concepts is that rank 4 in science or gun nut is required to make most of the upgrades, so buying them is a serious option.


I also "break out" the receiver category into several new categories, such as "Bolt," "Trigger," etc. So you can modify the bolt carrier spring which affects ROF, etc.


Might be close to what you are looking for.

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I am working on a mod called Gun Nut that totally changes the weapon upgrades. Some of these features you mention I have implemented. Others seem like a good idea!


One of the concepts is that rank 4 in science or gun nut is required to make most of the upgrades, so buying them is a serious option.


I also "break out" the receiver category into several new categories, such as "Bolt," "Trigger," etc. So you can modify the bolt carrier spring which affects ROF, etc.


Might be close to what you are looking for.


Sounds great! I'll love it for my main character (who's a level 5 hoarder and bigger gun nut than myself) for the options, and as long as it gives my survival character the option to buy better mods without crafting I'll be happy.


So out of curiosity what are you mainly going for with your mod? Are you making the weapon mods more "realistic" then with more receiver mods? One thing that always irks me in the game is the completely wrong mechanics with crafting. Fore example, if I wanted to change the caliber of my AR-15, I'd change the BARREL, usually not the RECEIVER. But I do understand why Bethesda designed it this way.

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Yeah that's pretty much it. It is a lot of concepts rolled into one package.


Basically I have changed the "damage" of a gun to be determined by the calibre of its projectile. The damage is per-bullet, and has almost nothing to do with the gun itself.


So now the Gun Nut perk is used for nuances of the gun, like recoil, range, ROF, etc, with damage being (mostly) fixed at a high value.


For example you can spend a lot of time tuning the accuracy of a hunting rifle to get it pin-point, but when you find it in the wasteland it isn't so good.


One of the main ideas is to make re-chambering more of an involved process. I am still trying to figure out a way to have "chained" gun mods, for example if you re-chamber your combat rifle to 7.62x51mm you must also widen the barrel or else it won't work.


I want to have rifled and smoothbore barrels too.


And I was un-immersed by the pristine condition of supposedly 200-year-old guns from before the war. I made it so all the combat rifles and .44's you find will have a chance to have "pipe" stuff attached to them, like handmade barrels and so on.


Certain mods are interchangeable. You shouldn't have to construct a new scope for every rifle you own, after all. Detatch and put it on another one.


Also replaced the explosives because you know... they would all have been used or expired after 200 years.

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I like the idea of weapons having improvised scrap parts when you find them from leveled-list sources. I also agree completely that damaged should be based on the ammunition. Which is why it's really annoying that an automatic version of a gun does less "damage" per shot somehow. Less accurate during full-auto fire? Sure. Muzzle climb? Absolutely. Do most barrels seriously overheat after a magazine or two of full-auto fire? Yep.

Do 5.56mm rounds hurt less when you get hit with 8 of them in 3 seconds? No, decidedly not!


I think for re-chambering it might be enough just to have it be a new barrel. Many times receivers are large enough for the larger barrel and bolt assembly, and if they aren't then it's a completely different platform anyway (like AR-15 to AR-10, or AK-47 to AK-74, etc...) It might get overly complicated to have to create all these different tiers of mods for each caliber. Or maybe just create pre-requisites for caliber changes? Like going from 5.56x45 to 7.62x51 would require the receiver (and related parts) to be upgraded to a minimum level first. Like you'd have to have the [upgraded Milled Receiver] and [upgraded Buffer] before installing the 7.62x51 barrel, or whatever.


And YES for interchangeable scopes! It's really frustrating to find a pipe rifle with a nice scope and not be able to use it on my pipe bolt-action rifle cause reasons.


Also, please please PLZ do away with decreased range and accuracy on muzzle brakes, compensators and suppressors!?!?! Muzzle brakes and compensators definitely DON'T decrease accuracy, they are made to do the exact opposite by reducing muzzle climb and/or recoil. And the myth that suppressors reduce range or accuracy has been busted many times by manufacturers and military testing. Suppressors do not adversely effect range or accuracy, and in fact improve accuracy by reducing recoil and muzzle climb, as well as reducing human error by making it more comfortable for the shooter by reducing noise and flash.

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I had the exact same thought about the automatic weapons, it was a large part of why I started this project actually.


That is very helpful information about re-chambering, and it makes my job easier. I have a quick question about that -- you can only ream a barrel, right? To fit a larger caliber. You can't shrink the diameter of a pipe unless you get a new pipe. That is my understanding of how it works, so I have made re-chamberings only work for larger calibres. (But this might be wrong).


Yeah, I want to make compensators and muzzle brakes actually do something noticeable and realistic :smile:


I've been having trouble with the .50 round, which I renamed to .300 Winchester magnum, because the bullet is too massive to reasonably fit into the magazine and chamber of any of the vanilla guns.


here is a link to the mod:


Edited by mkborgelt13
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Cool I'll have to give it a try.


As for rechambering: Well technically yes you can only remove more material from a barrel or chamber so you can only ream a barrel to a larger dimension, but you could also replace the barrel entirely if you wanted a smaller caliber. Like going from .40S&W to .357SIG or 9mm, you can usually just drop in a replacement barrel. So IMO it is still pretty much a barrel replacement.


Now you're definitely right that magazines may not work, and even when they're supposed to it isn't always smooth sailing. Like with .50 Beowulf kits for AR-15 rifles, they technically kinda work with AR-15 mags (you can stuff like 7 rounds of .50 Beowulf into a 20rd 5.56mm mag) but you may have to slightly modify the feed lips, etc...


But if you go this far you may be overthinking it. You can get into so many other little parts that might need to be replaced or modified, I'd just recommend making the caliber conversion mod one item (whether you call it a "Barrel Mod", a "Receiver Mod" or a new mod category altogether), and if you think it'd be a really complicated upgrade just make it cost more in materials or have a higher perk requirement to simulate all the extra work being done to the gun.

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Cool I'll have to give it a try.


As for rechambering: Well technically yes you can only remove more material from a barrel or chamber so you can only ream a barrel to a larger dimension, but you could also replace the barrel entirely if you wanted a smaller caliber. Like going from .40S&W to .357SIG or 9mm, you can usually just drop in a replacement barrel. So IMO it is still pretty much a barrel replacement.


Now you're definitely right that magazines may not work, and even when they're supposed to it isn't always smooth sailing. Like with .50 Beowulf kits for AR-15 rifles, they technically kinda work with AR-15 mags (you can stuff like 7 rounds of .50 Beowulf into a 20rd 5.56mm mag) but you may have to slightly modify the feed lips, etc...


But if you go this far you may be overthinking it. You can get into so many other little parts that might need to be replaced or modified, I'd just recommend making the caliber conversion mod one item (whether you call it a "Barrel Mod", a "Receiver Mod" or a new mod category altogether), and if you think it'd be a really complicated upgrade just make it cost more in materials or have a higher perk requirement to simulate all the extra work being done to the gun.


Yeah, thanks. What I have now is this: some rechamberings require work on the barrel, and some on the receiver. If the bullet cannot fit in the magazine then you cannot rechamber for that calibre.

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