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Tapetum Lucidum? Tapetum Lucidum.


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Been working on a heavy duty Dogmeat overhaul mod that's been eating most of my time up, so I figured hey, why not make it even more complicated. Few days ago, decided that since I'd never seen it actually functioning properly in a video game before, figuring out how to make my Dogmeat's eyes do this:




(aka tapetum lucidum) under the appropriate circumstances was worth putting everything else on hold for. Again, never seen it done in a game before. Not well enough to remember, anyway.


Been up like 30 something hours working nonstop on one thing or another as of this post, but I finally got the mechanic working in Substance Painter 2. Bout lost my mind when I did it, too.


Took the cornea lense off so you could see the mechanism disk proc over the pupil, but I haven't hooked up the final effect yet. I'll get some pics up of it functioning proper once I do.


Kinda need a break.



Edited by onelunglee
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